Waste-to-Value Pioneer Nexus W2V Secures $140MM Investment & Announces Construction of Flagship RNG Facility in Indiana
Nexus W2V has secured $140 million in investments, including a $75 million structured equity commitment from Orion Infrastructure Capital, to construct its flagship Kingsbury Bioenergy Complex in La Porte, Indiana. The facility will convert organic waste into renewable natural gas (RNG) and other products.
Located 70 miles from Chicago, the facility will process 200 tons of organic waste daily and is expected to be fully operational by the end of 2026, creating 35 local jobs. The RNG produced will be injected into Northern Indiana's pipeline system. Additional investors include Nexus Holdings, Khasma Capital, Sterling Bank, and Ameris Bank.
Nexus W2V ha ottenuto 140 milioni di dollari in investimenti, inclusa un'impegno di capitale strutturato di 75 milioni di dollari da parte di Orion Infrastructure Capital, per costruire il suo impianto di punta, il Kingsbury Bioenergy Complex, a La Porte, Indiana. L'impianto convertirà rifiuti organici in gas naturale rinnovabile (RNG) e altri prodotti.
Situato a 70 miglia da Chicago, l'impianto tratterà 200 tonnellate di rifiuti organici al giorno ed è previsto che diventi totalmente operativo entro la fine del 2026, creando 35 posti di lavoro locali. Il RNG prodotto sarà iniettato nel sistema di tubazioni del Nord Indiana. Ulteriori investitori includono Nexus Holdings, Khasma Capital, Sterling Bank e Ameris Bank.
Nexus W2V ha asegurado 140 millones de dólares en inversiones, incluyendo un compromiso de capital estructurado de 75 millones de dólares por parte de Orion Infrastructure Capital, para construir su principal instalación, el Kingsbury Bioenergy Complex, en La Porte, Indiana. La instalación convertirá residuos orgánicos en gas natural renovable (RNG) y otros productos.
Ubicada a 70 millas de Chicago, la instalación procesará 200 toneladas de residuos orgánicos diariamente y se espera que esté completamente operativa para finales de 2026, creando 35 empleos locales. El RNG producido se inyectará en el sistema de tuberías del Norte de Indiana. Inversores adicionales incluyen a Nexus Holdings, Khasma Capital, Sterling Bank y Ameris Bank.
Nexus W2V는 1억 4천만 달러의 투자금을 확보했으며, 여기에는 Orion Infrastructure Capital로부터의 7천5백만 달러의 구조화 소액 투자 약정이 포함됩니다. 이 자금은 인디애나주 라 포르트에 있는 Kingsbury Bioenergy Complex의 건설에 사용될 것입니다. 이 시설은 유기성 폐기물을 재생 가능한 천연 가스(RNG) 및 기타 제품으로 전환합니다.
시카고에서 70마일 떨어진 이 시설은 매일 200톤의 유기성 폐기물을 처리할 것이며, 2026년 말까지 완전 가동될 것으로 예상되며, 35개의 지역 일자리를 창출할 것입니다. 생산된 RNG는 인디애나 북부의 파이프라인 시스템에 주입될 것입니다. 추가 투자자로는 Nexus Holdings, Khasma Capital, Sterling Bank 및 Ameris Bank가 있습니다.
Nexus W2V a sécurisé 140 millions de dollars d'investissements, y compris un engagement en capital structuré de 75 millions de dollars de la part d'Orion Infrastructure Capital, pour construire son complexe phare Kingsbury Bioenergy Complex à La Porte, Indiana. L'installation va convertir des déchets organiques en gaz naturel renouvelable (RNG) et d'autres produits.
Située à 70 miles de Chicago, l'installation traitera 200 tonnes de déchets organiques par jour et devrait être pleinement opérationnelle d'ici la fin de 2026, créant 35 emplois locaux. Le RNG produit sera injecté dans le système de pipelines du nord de l'Indiana. D'autres investisseurs incluent Nexus Holdings, Khasma Capital, Sterling Bank et Ameris Bank.
Nexus W2V hat 140 Millionen Dollar an Investitionen gesichert, darunter ein strukturiertes Eigenkapitalengagement von 75 Millionen Dollar von Orion Infrastructure Capital, um das Flaggschiff Kingsbury Bioenergy Complex in La Porte, Indiana, zu bauen. Die Anlage wird organische Abfälle in erneuerbares Erdgas (RNG) und andere Produkte umwandeln.
Die Anlage, die 70 Meilen von Chicago entfernt ist, wird täglich 200 Tonnen organische Abfälle verarbeiten und soll bis Ende 2026 voll betriebsbereit sein, wodurch 35 lokale Arbeitsplätze geschaffen werden. Das produzierte RNG wird in das Pipeline-System im Norden von Indiana eingespeist. Weitere Investoren sind Nexus Holdings, Khasma Capital, Sterling Bank und Ameris Bank.
- Secured substantial $140MM total investment with $75MM structured equity commitment
- Facility will process 200 tons of organic waste daily
- Project will create 35 local jobs
- Strategic location near Chicago provides access to large waste market
- Secured pipeline access for RNG distribution
- Facility won't be operational until end of 2026
- Significant capital requirements for project development
The company plans to roll out cost-competitive waste remediation solutions to communities across
"National waste is on the rise, and the legislation around waste management is quickly evolving to drive meaningful change across the industry," said Ben Hubbard, CEO of Nexus Holdings. "Nexus W2V is embracing that change and providing a cost-competitive alternative waste disposal method that's positive for both energy production and the environment."
Nexus W2V focuses on converting organic waste streams into renewable natural gas, compost products and biochar, as exemplified by the Kingsbury Bioenergy Complex. Led by waste and energy industry veterans, the Nexus W2V team boasts decades of combined experience across industrial design and construction, bio-energy development and regenerative agriculture.
"In conjunction with our newly forged capital partnership, Nexus W2V is well prepared to deliver industry-leading projects in the waste-to-value sector across
Located 70 miles outside
"The Kingsbury Bioenergy Complex will offer the greater
About Nexus W2V
Nexus W2V is a leading developer of waste-to-value infrastructure projects, providing waste remediation to haulers, producers, and utilities across
About OIC
With approximately
About Nexus Holdings
Nexus Holdings is an investment and advisory firm that supports the development and execution of low-carbon infrastructure projects. For over a decade, Nexus has supported the development and execution of more than
About Khasma Capital
Khasma Capital provides development capital and expertise to teams building sustainable infrastructure projects. As a market leader in funding energy transition and circular economy assets, Khasma Capital's partnership model enables developers to prove their business model, complete development activities, grow their teams and commercialize their technologies. To learn more, visit https://www.khasmacapital.com/.
About Ameris Bank
Ameris Bank, a subsidiary of Ameris Bancorp (NYSE: ABCB), is a state-chartered bank headquartered in Atlanta,
Media Contact
Mission Control for Nexus Holdings and Nexus W2V
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