Ameris Bank Donates Nearly $1.7 Million to 17 Georgia Hospitals
Ameris Bank (ABCB) has announced a donation of $1.694 million to 17 rural hospitals across Georgia through the Georgia HEART Hospital Program in 2025. This represents the bank's eighth consecutive year participating in the state income tax credit program, bringing their total contributions to $14.6 million.
The donations will benefit healthcare facilities across 17 counties, including Colquitt Regional Medical Center, Liberty Regional Medical Center, Southeast Georgia Health System, Higgins General Hospital, and Dodge County Hospital. The Georgia Rural Hospital Tax Credit program, established in 2017, allows Georgia businesses and taxpayers to redirect their state income tax liability to support eligible hospitals.
Ameris Bank (ABCB) ha annunciato una donazione di $1,694 milioni a 17 ospedali rurali in Georgia attraverso il Georgia HEART Hospital Program nel 2025. Questo rappresenta l'ottavo anno consecutivo di partecipazione della banca al programma di credito d'imposta sul reddito statale, portando il totale delle loro contribuzioni a $14,6 milioni.
Le donazioni beneficeranno le strutture sanitarie in 17 contee, tra cui il Colquitt Regional Medical Center, il Liberty Regional Medical Center, il Southeast Georgia Health System, l'Higgins General Hospital e il Dodge County Hospital. Il programma di credito d'imposta per gli ospedali rurali della Georgia, istituito nel 2017, consente alle aziende e ai contribuenti della Georgia di reindirizzare la loro responsabilità fiscale sul reddito statale per sostenere gli ospedali idonei.
Ameris Bank (ABCB) ha anunciado una donación de $1.694 millones a 17 hospitales rurales en Georgia a través del Programa Georgia HEART Hospital en 2025. Esto representa el octavo año consecutivo de participación del banco en el programa de crédito fiscal estatal, llevando sus contribuciones totales a $14.6 millones.
Las donaciones beneficiarán a las instalaciones de salud en 17 condados, incluyendo el Colquitt Regional Medical Center, el Liberty Regional Medical Center, el Southeast Georgia Health System, el Higgins General Hospital y el Dodge County Hospital. El programa de crédito fiscal para hospitales rurales de Georgia, establecido en 2017, permite a las empresas y contribuyentes de Georgia redirigir su responsabilidad fiscal estatal para apoyar a los hospitales elegibles.
Ameris Bank (ABCB)는 2025년 Georgia HEART 병원 프로그램을 통해 조지아 전역의 17개 농촌 병원에 $1.694 백만의 기부를 발표했습니다. 이는 주 소득세 공제 프로그램에 참여한 은행의 여덟 번째 해를 나타내며, 총 기부금은 $14.6 백만에 이릅니다.
이번 기부는 Colquitt Regional Medical Center, Liberty Regional Medical Center, Southeast Georgia Health System, Higgins General Hospital 및 Dodge County Hospital을 포함한 17개 카운티의 의료 시설에 혜택을 줄 것입니다. 2017년에 설립된 조지아 농촌 병원 세금 공제 프로그램은 조지아의 기업과 납세자가 자격이 있는 병원을 지원하기 위해 주 소득세 책임을 전환할 수 있도록 합니다.
Ameris Bank (ABCB) a annoncé un don de 1,694 million de dollars à 17 hôpitaux ruraux en Géorgie à travers le programme Georgia HEART Hospital en 2025. Cela représente la huitième année consécutive de participation de la banque au programme de crédit d'impôt sur le revenu de l'État, portant ses contributions totales à 14,6 millions de dollars.
Les dons bénéficieront aux établissements de santé dans 17 comtés, y compris le Colquitt Regional Medical Center, le Liberty Regional Medical Center, le Southeast Georgia Health System, l'Higgins General Hospital et le Dodge County Hospital. Le programme de crédit d'impôt pour les hôpitaux ruraux de Géorgie, établi en 2017, permet aux entreprises et aux contribuables de Géorgie de réorienter leur responsabilité fiscale sur le revenu de l'État pour soutenir les hôpitaux éligibles.
Ameris Bank (ABCB) hat eine Spende von 1,694 Millionen US-Dollar an 17 ländliche Krankenhäuser in Georgia im Rahmen des Georgia HEART Hospital Program im Jahr 2025 angekündigt. Dies ist das achte aufeinanderfolgende Jahr, in dem die Bank am staatlichen Einkommenssteuerkreditprogramm teilnimmt, wodurch sich ihre Gesamtsumme der Beiträge auf 14,6 Millionen US-Dollar erhöht.
Die Spenden kommen Gesundheitseinrichtungen in 17 Landkreisen zugute, darunter das Colquitt Regional Medical Center, das Liberty Regional Medical Center, das Southeast Georgia Health System, das Higgins General Hospital und das Dodge County Hospital. Das Georgia Rural Hospital Tax Credit-Programm, das 2017 ins Leben gerufen wurde, ermöglicht es Unternehmen und Steuerzahlern in Georgia, ihre staatliche Einkommenssteuerverpflichtung umzuverteilen, um berechtigte Krankenhäuser zu unterstützen.
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“Many hospitals depend on donations to augment their funding for facilities, training and daily operations,” said Ameris Bank CEO Palmer Proctor. “This program directly aligns with our purpose as a company to bring financial peace of mind to communities, one person at a time. We applaud the state for this innovative program that enables hospitals to apply the donations in areas that ultimately strengthen the care given to patients.”
Recipients of the donations from Ameris cover 17 counties, and include
The Georgia Rural Hospital Tax Credit was instituted in 2017 and enables
About Ameris Bank
Ameris Bank, a subsidiary of Ameris Bancorp (NYSE: ABCB), is a state-chartered bank headquartered in
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Katie Lopez
Source: Ameris Bank