AB Named Among Best Places To Work for Disability Inclusion

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AllianceBernstein (AB) has been recognized as a Best Place To Work for Disability Inclusion, earning high scores on the Disability Equality Index in both the U.S. and U.K. AB, a leading global investment management firm, emphasizes corporate responsibility, responsible investing, and stewardship in its operations.

As of March 31, 2024, AB managed $759B in assets, with $528B ESG-integrated. The firm's approach is guided by its purpose to 'pursue insight that unlocks opportunity' and its mission to help clients define and achieve investment goals. AB integrates material ESG and climate factors into most of its actively managed strategies, covering about 70% of total assets under management.

AB's values include investing in employees, striving for distinctive knowledge, speaking with courage and conviction, and acting with integrity. The firm is committed to diversity, mentorship, and collaboratively identifying creative solutions to clients' investment challenges, including ESG and climate-related issues.

AllianceBernstein (AB) è stata riconosciuta come uno dei migliori posti di lavoro per l'inclusione delle persone con disabilità, ottenendo punteggi elevati nel Disability Equality Index sia negli Stati Uniti che nel Regno Unito. AB, una delle principali società di gestione degli investimenti a livello globale, pone l'accento su responsabilità aziendale, investimenti responsabili e stewardship nelle sue operazioni.

Al 31 marzo 2024, AB gestiva 759 miliardi di dollari in attivi, di cui 528 miliardi di dollari integrati in ESG. L'approccio della società è guidato dal suo scopo di 'perseguire intuizioni che sbloccano opportunità' e dalla sua missione di aiutare i clienti a definire e raggiungere obiettivi di investimento. AB integra fattori ESG e climatici materiali nella maggior parte delle sue strategie gestite attivamente, coprendo circa il 70% del totale degli attivi in gestione.

I valori di AB includono investire nei dipendenti, perseguire una conoscenza distintiva, parlare con coraggio e convinzione, e agire con integrità. L'azienda è impegnata nella diversità, nel mentoring e nell'identificazione collaborativa di soluzioni creative per le sfide di investimento dei clienti, comprese le questioni legate all'ESG e al clima.

AllianceBernstein (AB) ha sido reconocida como uno de los Mejores Lugares para Trabajar en Inclusión de Personas con Discapacidad, obteniendo altas puntuaciones en el Índice de Igualdad de Discapacidad tanto en EE. UU. como en el Reino Unido. AB, una firma líder en gestión de inversiones a nivel global, enfatiza la responsabilidad corporativa, la inversión responsable y la administración en sus operaciones.

Al 31 de marzo de 2024, AB gestionaba 759 mil millones de dólares en activos, de los cuales 528 mil millones de dólares estaban integrados en ESG. El enfoque de la firma está guiado por su propósito de 'perseguir información que desbloquee oportunidades' y su misión de ayudar a los clientes a definir y alcanzar sus objetivos de inversión. AB integra factores ESG y climáticos materiales en la mayoría de sus estrategias gestionadas activamente, cubriendo aproximadamente el 70% del total de activos bajo gestión.

Los valores de AB incluyen invertir en empleados, esforzarse por un conocimiento distintivo, hablar con valentía y convicción, y actuar con integridad. La firma está comprometida con la diversidad, la mentoría y la identificación colaborativa de soluciones creativas para los desafíos de inversión de los clientes, incluidas las cuestiones relacionadas con ESG y el clima.

AllianceBernstein (AB)는 장애인 포용을 위한 최고의 직장으로 인정받아 미국과 영국 모두에서 장애 평등 지수에서 높은 점수를 받았습니다. AB는 세계적인 투자 관리 회사로서 기업 책임, 책임 있는 투자 및 관리에 중점을 두고 운영합니다.

2024년 3월 31일 기준으로 AB는 7590억 달러의 자산을 관리하고 있으며, 그 중 5280억 달러는 ESG 통합 자산입니다. 회사의 접근 방식은 '기회를 여는 통찰력 추구'라는 목적과 고객이 투자 목표를 정의하고 달성하도록 돕는 사명에 의해 인도됩니다. AB는 대부분의 적극적으로 관리되는 전략에 중요 ESG 및 기후 요인을 통합하여 총 관리 자산의 약 70%를 다룹니다.

AB의 가치는 직원 투자, 독특한 지식 추구, 용기와 확신을 가지고 말하기, 그리고 정직하게 행동하기를 포함합니다. 이 회사는 다양성, 멘토링 및 고객의 투자 문제, 특히 ESG 및 기후 관련 문제에 대한 창의적인 솔루션을 함께 찾는 데 헌신하고 있습니다.

AllianceBernstein (AB) a été reconnue comme l'un des meilleurs lieux de travail pour l'inclusion des personnes en situation de handicap, obtenant des scores élevés dans l'indice d'égalité des handicapés tant aux États-Unis qu'au Royaume-Uni. AB, une société de gestion d'investissements mondiale de premier plan, souligne la responsabilité d'entreprise, l'investissement responsable et la gestion dans ses opérations.

Au 31 mars 2024, AB gérait 759 milliards de dollars en actifs, dont 528 milliards de dollars intégrés dans l'ESG. L'approche de l'entreprise est guidée par son objectif de 'poursuivre des insights qui débloquent des opportunités' et sa mission d'aider les clients à définir et atteindre leurs objectifs d'investissement. AB intègre des facteurs ESG et climatiques matériels dans la plupart de ses stratégies gérées activement, couvrant environ 70% de l'ensemble des actifs sous gestion.

Les valeurs d'AB incluent investir dans les employés, rechercher des connaissances distinctives, parler avec courage et conviction, et agir avec intégrité. L'entreprise s'engage en faveur de la diversité, du mentorat et de l'identification collaborative de solutions créatives aux défis d'investissement de ses clients, y compris les questions liées à l'ESG et au climat.

AllianceBernstein (AB) wurde als bester Arbeitsplatz für die Inklusion von Menschen mit Behinderungen anerkannt und erzielte hohe Punktzahlen im Disability Equality Index sowohl in den USA als auch im Vereinigten Königreich. AB, eine führende globale Investmentmanagement-Firma, legt großen Wert auf unternehmerische Verantwortung, verantwortungsbewusstes Investieren und Treuhandschaft in ihren Operationen.

Stand 31. März 2024 verwaltete AB 759 Milliarden Dollar an Vermögenswerten, davon 528 Milliarden Dollar ESG-integriert. Der Ansatz der Firma wird von ihrem Zweck geleitet, 'Einblicke zu verfolgen, die Chancen eröffnen', und ihrer Mission, Kunden zu helfen, ihre Anlageziele zu definieren und zu erreichen. AB integriert wesentliche ESG- und Klimafaktoren in die meisten ihrer aktiv verwalteten Strategien, die etwa 70% der verwalteten Gesamtvermögen abdecken.

Die Werte von AB umfassen Investitionen in Mitarbeiter, Streben nach außergewöhnlichem Wissen, mutig und überzeugend zu sprechen und mit Integrität zu handeln. Das Unternehmen engagiert sich für Vielfalt, Mentoring und die gemeinsame Identifikation kreativer Lösungen für die Investitionsherausforderungen der Kunden, einschließlich ESG- und klimabezogener Themen.

  • None.
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 10, 2024 / AllianceBernstein:

AllianceBernstein is honored to be recognized as a Best Place To Work 24 for Disability Inclusion! We are proud to have earned high scores on the Disability Equality Index in both the U.S and the U.K.

Learn more about the Disability Equality Index via Disability:IN at


AllianceBernstein (AB) is a leading global investment management firm that offers diversified investment services to institutional investors, individuals, and private wealth clients in major world markets. We believe corporate responsibility, responsible investing and stewardship are intertwined. To be effective stewards of our clients' assets, we strive to invest responsibly-assessing, engaging on and integrating material issues, including environmental, social and governance (ESG), and climate change considerations in most of our actively managed strategies (approximately 70% of AB's total assets under management as of March 31, 2024). We also strive to hold ourselves as a firm to similar practices that we ask of issues. Our stewardship practices, investment strategy and decision-making are guided by our purpose, mission and values.

Our purpose-pursue insight that unlocks opportunity-inspires our firm to act responsibly. While opportunity means something different to each of our stakeholders; it always means considering the unique goals of each stakeholder. AB's mission is to help our clients define and achieve their investment goals, explicitly stating what we do to unlock opportunity for our clients. We became a signatory to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) in 2011. This began our journey to formalize our approach to identifying responsible ways to unlock opportunities for our clients through integrating material ESG factors throughout most of our actively managed equity and fixed-income client accounts, funds and strategies. AB also engages issuers when it believes the engagement is in the best financial interest of its clients.

Because we are an active manager, our differentiated insights drive our ability to deliver alpha and design innovative investment solutions. Material ESG and climate issues are important elements in forming insights and in presenting potential risks and opportunities that can affect the performance of the companies and issuers that we invest in and the portfolios that we build.

Our values provide a framework for the behaviors and actions that deliver on our purpose and mission. Values align our actions. Each value emerges from the firm's collective character-yet is also aspirational.

  • Invest in One Another means that we have a strong organizational culture where diversity is celebrated and mentorship is critical to our success. When we invest in one another, we empower our employees to reach their potential, so that they can help our clients realize theirs. This enables us to partner with clients to design and deliver improved investment outcomes.

  • Strive for Distinctive Knowledge means that we collaboratively identify creative solutions to clients' economic, ESG and climate- related investment challenges through our expertise in a wide range of investment disciplines, close collaboration among our investment experts and creative solutions.

  • Speak with Courage and Conviction informs how we engage our AB colleagues and issuers. We seek to learn from other parts of our business to strengthen our own views. And we engage issuers for insight and action by sharing ideas and best practices.

  • Act with Integrity-Always is the bedrock of our relationships and has specific meaning for our business. Unlike many other asset managers, we're singularly focused on providing asset management and research to our clients. We don't engage in activities that could be distracting, or create conflicts-such as investment banking, insurance writing, commercial banking or proprietary trading for our own account. We are unconflicted and fully accountable.

As of March 31, 2024, AB had $759B in assets under management, $528B of which were ESG-integrated. Additional information about AB may be found on our website,

Learn more about AB's approach to responsibility here.

View additional multimedia and more ESG storytelling from AllianceBernstein on

Contact Info:

Spokesperson: AllianceBernstein

SOURCE: AllianceBernstein

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What recognition did AllianceBernstein (AB) receive for disability inclusion?

AllianceBernstein (AB) was recognized as a Best Place To Work for Disability Inclusion, earning high scores on the Disability Equality Index in both the U.S. and U.K.

How much of AB's assets under management were ESG-integrated as of March 31, 2024?

As of March 31, 2024, $528 billion of AB's total $759 billion assets under management were ESG-integrated.

What percentage of AB's actively managed strategies integrate ESG factors?

AB integrates material ESG and climate factors into approximately 70% of its total assets under management in actively managed strategies.

When did AB become a signatory to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)?

AllianceBernstein became a signatory to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) in 2011.

What are the core values that guide AB's operations?

AB's core values include investing in employees, striving for distinctive knowledge, speaking with courage and conviction, and acting with integrity.

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