AB: Materiality Check: The Next Stage of ESG and Responsible Investing

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AllianceBernstein (AB) discusses the future of responsible investing, emphasizing a focus on material ESG issues and changing client needs. Key points include:

  • The importance of grounding ESG approaches in materiality to meet fiduciary obligations
  • The need for asset managers to offer a range of portfolios with different ESG approaches
  • The distinction between ESG integration and ESG-focused portfolios
  • The challenges of evolving ESG regulations and the need for transparency
  • AB's climate research efforts, including a partnership with Columbia Climate School
  • The role of engagement in developing investment insights and encouraging action on ESG issues

AB conducted 1,703 ESG engagements with 1,296 unique issuers in 2023. The firm believes that ESG considerations will remain important in investing, with strategies that add value through better ESG integration and focus likely to survive and thrive.

AllianceBernstein (AB) discute il futuro degli investimenti responsabili, enfatizzando l'importanza delle questioni ESG materiali e l'evoluzione delle esigenze dei clienti. I punti chiave includono:

  • L'importanza di basare gli approcci ESG sulla materialità per rispettare gli obblighi fiduciari
  • La necessità per i gestori di attivi di offrire una gamma di portafogli con diversi approcci ESG
  • La distinzione tra integrazione ESG e portafogli focalizzati ESG
  • Le sfide dell'evoluzione delle normative ESG e la necessità di trasparenza
  • Gli sforzi di ricerca climatica di AB, inclusa una collaborazione con la Columbia Climate School
  • Il ruolo dell'engagement nello sviluppare intuizioni sugli investimenti e nel promuovere azioni su questioni ESG

AB ha condotto 1.703 interazioni ESG con 1.296 emittenti unici nel 2023. L'azienda ritiene che le considerazioni ESG rimarranno importanti negli investimenti, con strategie che aggiungono valore attraverso una migliore integrazione ESG e focalizzazione, destinate a sopravvivere e prosperare.

AllianceBernstein (AB) discute sobre el futuro de la inversión responsable, enfatizando un enfoque en cuestiones ESG materiales y en la evolución de las necesidades de los clientes. Los puntos clave incluyen:

  • La importancia de basar los enfoques ESG en la materialidad para cumplir con las obligaciones fiduciarias
  • La necesidad de que los gestores de activos ofrezcan una variedad de carteras con diferentes enfoques ESG
  • La distinción entre integración ESG y carteras enfocadas en ESG
  • Los desafíos de la evolución de las regulaciones ESG y la necesidad de transparencia
  • Los esfuerzos de investigación climática de AB, incluida una asociación con la Columbia Climate School
  • El papel del compromiso en el desarrollo de insights de inversión y en fomentar acciones sobre cuestiones ESG

AB realizó 1,703 compromisos ESG con 1,296 emisores únicos en 2023. La empresa cree que las consideraciones ESG seguirán siendo importantes en la inversión, y que las estrategias que añaden valor a través de una mejor integración y enfoque ESG probablemente sobrevivirán y prosperarán.

AllianceBernstein (AB)는 책임 있는 투자 미래에 대해 논의하면서 핵심 ESG 문제와 변화하는 고객 요구에 집중할 것을 강조합니다. 주요 포인트는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 재무적 의무를 준수하기 위해 ESG 접근 방식을 물질성에 기반두는 것의 중요성
  • 자산 관리자가 다양한 ESG 접근 방식을 가진 포트폴리오를 제공해야 할 필요성
  • ESG 통합ESG 중심 포트폴리오의 구분
  • 진화하는 ESG 규정의 도전과 투명성의 필요성
  • AB의 기후 연구 노력, 컬럼비아 기후 학교와의 파트너십 포함
  • ESG 문제에 대한 투자 통찰력 개발 및 행동 촉구에 있어 참여의 역할

AB는 2023년에 1,703회의 ESG 참여를 1,296개의 독립적인 발행사와 함께 진행했습니다. 이 회사는 ESG 고려 사항이 투자에서 여전히 중요할 것이며, 더 나은 ESG 통합 및 집중을 통해 가치를 추가하는 전략은 생존하고 번창할 것이라고 믿고 있습니다.

AllianceBernstein (AB) aborde l'avenir de l'investissement responsable, en soulignant l'importance des problèmes ESG matériels et l'évolution des besoins des clients. Les points clés comprennent :

  • L'importance de fonder les approches ESG sur la matérialité pour respecter les obligations de fiducie
  • Le besoin pour les gestionnaires d'actifs d'offrir une gamme de portefeuilles avec différentes approches ESG
  • La distinction entre intégration ESG et portefeuilles axés sur l'ESG
  • Les défis liés à l'évolution des réglementations ESG et la nécessité de transparence
  • Les efforts de recherche climatique d'AB, y compris un partenariat avec la Columbia Climate School
  • Le rôle de l'engagement dans le développement d'insights d'investissement et l'encouragement à agir sur les problèmes ESG

AB a réalisé 1.703 engagements ESG avec 1.296 émetteurs uniques en 2023. L'entreprise estime que les considérations ESG continueront d'être importantes dans l'investissement, avec des stratégies qui ajoutent de la valeur grâce à une meilleure intégration et focalisation ESG destinées à survivre et prospérer.

AllianceBernstein (AB) diskutiert über die Zukunft des verantwortungsvollen Investierens und hebt die Bedeutung von wesentlichen ESG-Themen sowie den sich wandelnden Bedürfnissen der Kunden hervor. Wichtige Punkte sind:

  • Die Bedeutung, ESG-Ansätze auf Wesentlichkeit zu gründen, um treuhänderische Verpflichtungen einzuhalten
  • Die Notwendigkeit, dass Vermögensverwalter eine Palette von Portfolios mit unterschiedlichen ESG-Ansätzen anbieten
  • Die Unterscheidung zwischen ESG-Integration und ESG-fokussierten Portfolios
  • Die Herausforderungen der sich entwickelnden ESG-Vorschriften und die Notwendigkeit von Transparenz
  • ABs Klimaforschungsanstrengungen, einschließlich einer Partnerschaft mit der Columbia Climate School
  • Die Rolle des Engagements bei der Entwicklung von Investitionskenntnissen und der Förderung von Maßnahmen in Bezug auf ESG-Themen

AB hat 2023 insgesamt 1.703 ESG-Engagements mit 1.296 einzigartigen Emittenten durchgeführt. Das Unternehmen ist der Meinung, dass ESG-Aspekte weiterhin wichtig im Investment bleiben werden, wobei Strategien, die durch eine bessere ESG-Integration und -Fokussierung Wert hinzufügen, voraussichtlich überleben und gedeihen werden.

  • None.
  • None.

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues continue to raise big questions for investment firms and clients. We think the future will be defined by a focus on material issues and changing client needs.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 9, 2024 / AllianceBernstein
Erin Bigley, CFA | Chief Responsibility Officer

Responsible investing has been on a pendulum. Enthusiasm for incorporating ESG issues in investment strategies has given way to a reality check in recent years. Investment firms and clients today face tough challenges, including regulation, research, politics, portfolio implementation and performance. But in our view, responsible investing - the incorporation of financially material ESG factors into investment practices. -isn't going away anytime soon.

As responsible investing evolves, the broad spectrum of client preferences and perspectives are at the heart of today's ESG challenge. For us, the key question is: How can a global investment firm develop an ESG framework across asset classes that meets varied needs and enhances our ability to deliver the best possible outcomes for clients?

Fiduciary Responsibility Must Define ESG Efforts

The fiduciary principle of striving to achieve the best possible investment outcome for clients underpins every asset manager's decisions. Yet when it comes to responsible investing, implementation of that fiduciary responsibility can take different forms. We think asset managers should offer a range of portfolios with different investing approaches to meet varying client needs.

But there should be a unifying principle to responsible investing efforts. We believe that grounding all these ESG approaches in materiality is the key to meeting an investment firm's fiduciary obligation to clients. That is, a portfolio manager's duty is to analyze issuers and securities based on an array of pecuniary factors that could materially affect risk and reward potential. ESG issues that may have a positive or negative material impact on a business and a security's return must be part of that analysis. From our perspective, it's simply good investing.

Many ESG issues create risks and opportunities for companies. For example, businesses using forced labor in supply chains could face an import ban in the US. Modern slavery poses business risks to industries as diverse as fishing and finance. Natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes and droughts are becoming more numerous, extreme and costly for companies. Biodiversity is a potentially material issue amid the growing pressure on Earth's life-sustaining and business-enabling resources and processes. The rapid rise of AI has unleashed a plethora of tricky ethical issues for companies, ranging from how much energy these efforts consume to the risk of model bias to the potential for job losses. Management behavior and other corporate governance practices can have a big influence on broader business outcomes. And we must acknowledge that material ESG risks and opportunities are often interconnected. In our view, researching issues like these as part of fundamental business analysis can enhance decision-making and client outcomes (See display 1).

Detecting Meaningful Risks-and Opportunities

What do many of these ESG issues have in common? In most cases, regulation is increasing globally. Companies that run afoul of the rules could face reputational risk, penalties and sanctions, which may impede efforts to boost revenue and earnings and incur costs.

At the same time, proactive companies with solutions to ESG challenges can enjoy profitable opportunities. Examples include companies that help building infrastructure become more energy efficient, manufacturers of alternative energy equipment and companies that are enabling access to medicine or technology.

When ESG risks and opportunities are material, we believe it would be remiss for an investment manager not to consider them in fundamental research.

Implementation: Integration vs. Focus

There are, of course, many ways to apply a materiality approach in an investment process. Since the terminology isn't standard across the industry, investment firms must help clients understand the differences, amid the confusion created by an explosion of ESG-related portfolios in recent years.

"ESG integration"-the approach described above-incorporates material ESG issues into research, engagement and security selection within a portfolio, using a traditionally defined investment universe. Integration is employed by most of AllianceBernstein's (AB's) actively managed investment strategies.

Some clients prefer what we call "ESG-focused portfolios"-those that define an investment universe based on specific ESG criteria, such as identifying companies that are transitioning to a low-carbon economy or companies with revenue aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Both approaches share a common goal: to deliver attractive risk-adjusted returns for clients. The difference is that in ESG-focused portfolios, returns are generated using an ESG-related investment lens.

The Regulation Paradox: Transparency and Complexity

Regulatory efforts aim to provide greater clarity about ESG credentials of portfolios. For example, some traditional investment strategies now provide detailed and widely recognized ESG-related information about holdings and the portfolio. Although this doesn't mean a portfolio is managed with an ESG focus, it provides transparency for investors who want it.

The EU's Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) from 2021 aims to improve transparency about ESG features of investment portfolios by having firms classify them as Article 8 or Article 9 products. Under SFDR, Article 8 portfolios should promote "environmental or social characteristics, or a combination of those characteristics, provided that the companies in which the investments are made follow good governance practices." Article 9 portfolios should have "an objective of sustainable investments," according to SFDR. These classifications leave much room for interpretation, yet they help investors identify portfolios that meet their preferences.

Different regulatory requirements have popped up in other jurisdictions, such as labelling regimes in the UK, France and Singapore. While the regulations may have similar goals of promoting transparency and addressing greenwashing, each framework differs in its scope or requirements, adding both a level of complexity and confusion. As a result, it's challenging to do an apples-to-apples comparison between any two regulatory frameworks.

The last word has yet to be said. We believe that evolving regulation, client scrutiny and performance trends will ultimately lead to a shakeout of products that don't meet certain expectations. Meanwhile, firms and portfolios that develop innovative ways to research material ESG issues and to deploy capital effectively to meet clients' fiduciary needs will likely gain traction.

Case Study: Climate Research and Implementation

As one of the most prominent ESG issues globally, climate change deserves special attention. It also provides a great example of how an investment firm can cater to diverse client needs while staying true to the materiality principle.

The first step is to create a comprehensive research framework. At AB, climate risk management is a top priority in our overall ESG research effort because we believe climate change presents acute material risks to companies. In recent years, we've built a climate transition alignment framework to help our investment teams identify transition risks and opportunities. This proprietary framework isn't intended to be a mandatory route to net zero emissions, nor a way to assess transition risk through a single backward-looking metric, such as a carbon footprint. Instead, it helps us better understand companies' unique paths for navigating a lower-carbon future.

Our climate research efforts also benefit from a partnership with the Columbia Climate School. Through this collaboration, investment teams gain access to academic expertise on the science of climate change and physical risks, which helps improve the analysis of sectors, industries and companies. Columbia gets to see the real-world application of its academic research, while our investment teams and clients can better educate themselves on crucial climate issues.

With data in hand, our portfolio managers and analysts can develop investment insights about a company's long-term prospects. These insights also inform engagements with companies to see how they're managing risks and to determine whether their businesses will be successful in a lower-carbon world.

How the research is applied depends on the portfolio's philosophy and client preferences. For example, within traditional mandates, a portfolio could deploy an ESG-integration approach by incorporating knowledge of material risks and opportunities created by climate change in the full risk-reward analysis of holdings; insights from this research can also inform engagements with high-emitting companies. Alternatively, clients can choose a more specific climate focus, by setting portfolio decarbonization targets or investing in climate solutions.

Engagement Sharpens Investment Insight

For active investors, we believe that developing conviction in a company's risk/reward profile also requires engagement with management-including on material ESG issues. This principle guided 1,703 ESG engagements that we conducted during 2023 with 1,296 unique issuers (See display 2).

These engagements have two purposes: developing insight and encouraging action. Portfolio teams meet with management and board members to discuss impact, strategy and responses to material ESG issues. By doing so, they can develop in-house views on a company's current ESG credentials, future direction and impact on an issuer's financials or valuation.

Portfolio managers and analysts can also encourage issuers to improve business activities and responsibility practices to create shareholder value and reduce/limit credit risk. Since both engagement goals aim to enhance shareholder value or return potential, they support an investment manager's fiduciary duty toward clients. In other words, targeted engagement efforts are also essential ingredients in good investing practices, in our view.

But what do clients expect from their investment managers when it comes to ESG? Questions about our corporate ESG practices are commonplace in communications with clients. We're often asked about our firm's ESG policies and research and investment processes in requests for proposals (See display 3 above).

These questions indicate that ESG issues remain firmly on the global investing agenda. It also reinforces our belief that ESG won't fizzle out like some investment fads of the past.

Shaping the Future

Change will continue. Regulatory scrutiny, fund flows and performance patterns are all shaping the future of responsible investing. This is a natural evolutionary process that we've seen before, and the industry should emerge stronger. Asset managers that develop advanced technical tools to enhance the assessment of material ESG factors will be well placed to deliver better outcomes for clients.

Opponents of ESG aren't going away either. Yet we think the public debate should be constructive, pushing the diverse spectrum of responsible investing practitioners to stay focused on our common objective: delivering strong risk-adjusted returns for clients. Some services may not survive, while those that do will likely be strategies that truly add value through better ESG integration and focus. Just as traditional investing tactics and processes have developed over time, we believe that the use of ESG in investment portfolios in the future will benefit from more consistency and transparency based on a thorough materiality check of research and portfolio processes.

The views expressed herein do not constitute research, investment advice or trade recommendations and do not necessarily represent the views of all AB portfolio-management teams. Views are subject to revision over time.

AB engages issuers where it believes the engagement is in the best interest of its clients.

Learn more about AB's approach to responsibility here.

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Spokesperson: AllianceBernstein

SOURCE: AllianceBernstein

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What is AB's approach to responsible investing?

AB focuses on incorporating financially material ESG factors into investment practices, offering a range of portfolios with different ESG approaches to meet varied client needs. They emphasize grounding all ESG approaches in materiality to fulfill fiduciary obligations.

How many ESG engagements did AB conduct in 2023?

According to the press release, AB conducted 1,703 ESG engagements with 1,296 unique issuers during 2023.

What is the difference between ESG integration and ESG-focused portfolios at AB?

ESG integration incorporates material ESG issues into research, engagement, and security selection within a traditionally defined investment universe. ESG-focused portfolios define an investment universe based on specific ESG criteria, such as identifying companies transitioning to a low-carbon economy.

How is AB addressing climate change in its investment process?

AB has developed a climate transition alignment framework to identify transition risks and opportunities. They also partner with Columbia Climate School to gain academic expertise on climate change and physical risks, which informs their analysis of sectors, industries, and companies.

What does AB believe about the future of responsible investing?

AB believes that responsible investing will continue to evolve, with regulatory scrutiny, fund flows, and performance patterns shaping its future. They expect strategies that add value through better ESG integration and focus to survive and thrive in the long term.

AllianceBernstein Holding, L.P.


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