Allied Gold has announced a strategic partnership with UAE-based Ambrosia Investment Holding, involving transactions valued at over US$500 million. The deal includes selling 50% of Allied's interest in its Mali operations for US$145 million in cash plus US$230 million in deferred consideration, creating a 50:50 joint venture while Allied remains the operator of the Sadiola mine.
The partnership also includes implementation of a renewable power solution by ATGC and a private placement where Ambrosia will acquire approximately 12% of Allied's shares for CDN$156.5 million, with intentions to increase ownership to 19% through market purchases.
This transaction strengthens Allied's balance sheet, supporting its growth plans including the Kurmuk project in Ethiopia (expected to produce 290,000 gold ounces annually in its first 4 years starting mid-2026) and the phased expansion at Sadiola (targeting production increases from 170,000 ounces in 2023 to eventually 400,000 ounces annually). The partnership leverages Ambrosia's regional expertise in Africa and Allied's operational capabilities to enhance shareholder value.
Allied Gold ha annunciato una partnership strategica con Ambrosia Investment Holding, con sede negli Emirati Arabi Uniti, per transazioni del valore superiore a 500 milioni di dollari USA. L'accordo prevede la vendita del 50% dell'interesse di Allied nelle sue operazioni in Mali per 145 milioni di dollari in contante più 230 milioni di dollari in considerazione differita, creando una joint venture 50:50, mentre Allied rimane l'operatore della miniera di Sadiola.
La partnership include anche l'implementazione di una soluzione energetica rinnovabile da parte di ATGC e un collocamento privato in cui Ambrosia acquisirà circa il 12% delle azioni di Allied per 156,5 milioni di dollari canadesi, con l'intenzione di aumentare la partecipazione al 19% attraverso acquisti di mercato.
Questa transazione rafforza il bilancio di Allied, supportando i suoi piani di crescita, compreso il progetto Kurmuk in Etiopia (che si prevede produca 290.000 once d'oro all'anno nei primi 4 anni a partire da metà 2026) e l'espansione graduale a Sadiola (mirando ad aumentare la produzione da 170.000 once nel 2023 a eventualmente 400.000 once all'anno). La partnership sfrutta l'esperienza regionale di Ambrosia in Africa e le capacità operative di Allied per migliorare il valore per gli azionisti.
Allied Gold ha anunciado una asociación estratégica con Ambrosia Investment Holding, con sede en los Emiratos Árabes Unidos, que implica transacciones valoradas en más de 500 millones de dólares estadounidenses. El acuerdo incluye la venta del 50% del interés de Allied en sus operaciones en Mali por 145 millones de dólares en efectivo más 230 millones de dólares en consideración diferida, creando una empresa conjunta 50:50 mientras Allied permanece como el operador de la mina de Sadiola.
La asociación también incluye la implementación de una solución de energía renovable por parte de ATGC y un colocación privada donde Ambrosia adquirirá aproximadamente el 12% de las acciones de Allied por 156,5 millones de dólares canadienses, con la intención de aumentar la propiedad al 19% a través de compras en el mercado.
Esta transacción fortalece el balance de Allied, apoyando sus planes de crecimiento, incluyendo el proyecto Kurmuk en Etiopía (se espera que produzca 290,000 onzas de oro anualmente en sus primeros 4 años a partir de mediados de 2026) y la expansión gradual en Sadiola (con un objetivo de aumentar la producción de 170,000 onzas en 2023 a eventualmente 400,000 onzas anuales). La asociación aprovecha la experiencia regional de Ambrosia en África y las capacidades operativas de Allied para mejorar el valor para los accionistas.
Allied Gold는 UAE에 본사를 둔 Ambrosia Investment Holding과 전략적 파트너십을 발표했으며, 거래 가치는 5억 달러 이상입니다. 이 거래에는 Allied의 말리 사업에 대한 50% 지분을 1억 4,500만 달러 현금과 2억 3,000만 달러의 이연 대가로 판매하는 것이 포함되어 있으며, Allied는 Sadiola 광산의 운영자로 남아 있는 50:50 합작 투자를 형성합니다.
이 파트너십은 ATGC에 의해 재생 가능 에너지 솔루션의 구현과 함께 Ambrosia가 Allied의 주식 약 12%를 1억 5,650만 캐나다 달러에 인수하는 사모 배치를 포함하며, 시장 구매를 통해 소유권을 19%로 늘릴 계획입니다.
이번 거래는 Allied의 재무 상태를 강화하고, 에티오피아의 Kurmuk 프로젝트 (2026년 중반부터 시작하여 첫 4년 동안 연간 29만 온스의 금을 생산할 것으로 예상됨)와 Sadiola의 단계적 확장 (2023년 17만 온스에서 궁극적으로 연간 40만 온스로 생산 증가 목표)을 포함한 성장 계획을 지원합니다. 이 파트너십은 아프리카에서 Ambrosia의 지역 전문성과 Allied의 운영 능력을 활용하여 주주 가치를 향상시킵니다.
Allied Gold a annoncé un partenariat stratégique avec Ambrosia Investment Holding, basé aux Émirats Arabes Unis, impliquant des transactions d'une valeur supérieure à 500 millions de dollars américains. L'accord comprend la vente de 50 % de l'intérêt d'Allied dans ses opérations au Mali pour 145 millions de dollars en espèces, plus 230 millions de dollars en contrepartie différée, créant une coentreprise 50:50, tandis qu'Allied reste l'opérateur de la mine de Sadiola.
Le partenariat comprend également la mise en œuvre d'une solution d'énergie renouvelable par ATGC et un placement privé où Ambrosia acquerra environ 12 % des actions d'Allied pour 156,5 millions de dollars canadiens, avec l'intention d'augmenter sa participation à 19 % par le biais d'achats sur le marché.
Cette transaction renforce le bilan d'Allied, soutenant ses plans de croissance, y compris le projet Kurmuk en Éthiopie (prévu pour produire 290 000 onces d'or par an durant ses quatre premières années à partir de mi-2026) et l'expansion progressive à Sadiola (visant à augmenter la production de 170 000 onces en 2023 à finalement 400 000 onces par an). Le partenariat tire parti de l'expertise régionale d'Ambrosia en Afrique et des capacités opérationnelles d'Allied pour améliorer la valeur pour les actionnaires.
Allied Gold hat eine strategische Partnerschaft mit Ambrosia Investment Holding mit Sitz in den VAE bekannt gegeben, die Transaktionen im Wert von über 500 Millionen US-Dollar umfasst. Der Deal beinhaltet den Verkauf von 50% von Allieds Interesse an seinen Mali-Operationen für 145 Millionen US-Dollar in bar plus 230 Millionen US-Dollar in aufgeschobener Vergütung, wodurch ein 50:50-Joint-Venture entsteht, während Allied der Betreiber der Mine Sadiola bleibt.
Die Partnerschaft umfasst auch die Implementierung einer Lösung für erneuerbare Energien durch ATGC und eine Private Placement, bei der Ambrosia etwa 12% der Aktien von Allied für 156,5 Millionen kanadische Dollar erwerben wird, mit der Absicht, den Besitz durch Marktkäufe auf 19% zu erhöhen.
Diese Transaktion stärkt die Bilanz von Allied und unterstützt deren Wachstumspläne, einschließlich des Kurmuk-Projekts in Äthiopien (das voraussichtlich in den ersten 4 Jahren ab Mitte 2026 jährlich 290.000 Unzen Gold produzieren wird) und der stufenweisen Expansion in Sadiola (die eine Produktionssteigerung von 170.000 Unzen im Jahr 2023 auf schließlich 400.000 Unzen jährlich anstrebt). Die Partnerschaft nutzt Ambrosias regionale Expertise in Afrika und Allieds operative Fähigkeiten zur Steigerung des Shareholder-Values.
- Strategic partnership with UAE-based Ambrosia valued at over US$500 million
- US$145 million immediate cash payment plus US$230 million deferred consideration
- CDN$156.5 million private placement at CDN$3.40 per share (premium to 5-day VWAP)
- Transaction values Sadiola mine at US$750 million, above implied trading value
- Renewable power solution expected to reduce operating costs at Sadiola
- Kurmuk project targeting 290,000 gold ounces annually starting mid-2026
- Sadiola expansion targeting increase to 400,000 gold ounces annually by 2028
- Allied maintains operational control of Sadiola mine
- Reduction of ownership stake in Mali operations from 80% to 40%
- Potential dilution from 12% share issuance to Ambrosia
- Further potential dilution if Ambrosia increases ownership to 19% target
The Partnership will leverage the regional, national, and continental understanding and influence of Ambrosia, through the
The Transaction estimated aggregate proceeds of over
Kurmuk is expected to start production in mid-2026 with a target production level of approximately 290,000 gold ounces per annum over the first 4 years and 240,000 gold ounces per annum over the life of mine at industry-leading All-In Sustaining Costs(1) ("AISC"). With Proven and Probable Mineral Reserves of 2.7 million ounces of gold and significant geological upside, the Company is targeting a mine life greater than 15 years driven by an extensive exploration program. The phased expansion approach at Sadiola is driving production increases from approximately 170,000 ounces in 2023 to a mid-term range between 200,000 and 230,000 ounces per year as result of oxide ore feed and the implementation of the first expansion phase later this year. This is followed by a further expansion stage expected to be completed in late 2028, which will target a production level of 400,000 gold ounces per annum over the first 4 years and 300,000 gold ounces per annum over a 19-year mine life based on 7.2 million ounces in Mineral Reserves. The Company is advancing metallurgical and engineering studies to confirm the opportunity to increase production over these life-of-mine levels through the optimization of metallurgical recoveries and a progressive expansion approach. The Partnership also contemplates the provision of a state-of-the-art renewable power solution to Sadiola, which is expected to improve the asset's costs and environmental footprint.
The improved financial flexibility arising from the Transaction will provide the opportunity to optimize these expansion plans at Sadiola and Allied's other assets while also providing the Company with tools to pursue strategic opportunities along with its new partner, Ambrosia.
Transaction Highlights
The Partnership includes the following components:
- The sale to Ambrosia of
50% of Allied's interest in Allied Gold ML Corp. ("Allied Holding"), which entity owns, directly and indirectly, Allied's interests in itsMali operations (the "Mali Transaction"), including80% of Societe d'Exploitation des Mines d'Or de Sadiola SA ("SEMOS"), for a purchase price comprised of:US in cash on closing; and$145 million - present value of
US deferred cash consideration.$230 million
As a result of the sale of
- The implementation of a state-of-the-art power supply system to provide energy to the Sadiola mine under the terms of a power supply agreement between
United Arab Emirates -based power solutions company ATGC LLC ("ATGC") and SEMOS pursuant to which, among other things, ATGC will provide a power solution to SEMOS for a minimum period of 12 years by July 2026, including the deployment of photovoltaic power generation and industry-leading solid-state energy storage. This will provide Sadiola with a reliable, cost-efficient, and environmentally friendly supply of energy for its operations, which is expected to improve its operating costs through a reliable energy supply at rates comparable to or better than those available in the market. - Share subscription and market support in connection with which Allied will issue to Ambrosia, on a private placement basis (the "Private Placement"), 46,044,270 common shares of Allied (the "Private Placement Shares") representing approximately
12% of the proforma issued and outstanding shares of the Company, at an issue price ofCDN per share for aggregate proceeds of$3.40 CDN , the net proceeds of which will be used by Allied to fund the phased expansion at Sadiola. The issue price represents a modest premium to the five-day volume weighted average price of Allied's common shares on the Toronto Stock Exchange (the "TSX") between January 13 and January 17, 2025, being the period during which the parties met and first discussed indicative pricing and other commercial terms of the transaction.$156,550,518
Ambrosia has advised Allied that it intends to increase its participation in the Company through the purchase of Allied's shares in the market following the closing of the Private Placement. Ambrosia has agreed not to exceed
Transaction Rationale
- Strategic Regional Expertise: Ambrosia's experience and relationships in
West Africa and, in particular, in theRepublic of Mali , alongside the strong endorsement from theUnited Arab Emirates authorities, are expected to complement and enhance the Company's own relationships and collaborative approach and be of significant value to Allied and its shareholders. Furthermore, the combined expertise and relationships will allow Allied to consider and pursue other significant value-creation opportunities in the region and emerging markets in general. - Sadiola Power Solution and Environmental Performance: The power supply agreement with ATGC provides Sadiola with a cost-competitive, reliable, and environmentally friendly supply of energy through the deployment of photovoltaic power generation and state-of-the-art solid-state energy storage. This is expected to improve the mine's costs ahead of the implementation of the second phase expansion while reducing Sadiola's reliance on fossil fuels. Furthermore, through the partnership with Ambrosia and ATGC, Allied will gain access to significant technical expertise and capacity to deploy reliable, cost-effective, and renewable energy solutions at its other sites.
- Value Realization: The Mali Transaction will provide immediate crystallization of value for Allied's shareholders through the upfront cash payment and the deferred consideration while retaining exposure to the significant growth and mineral reserves at Sadiola. The Mali Transaction values the Company's
80% interest in the Sadiola mine atUS , representing a premium to the implied trading value of the asset. Additionally, the Company anticipates that, as a result of the Transaction, its remaining$750 million 40% interest in Sadiola will garner increased market value as different opportunities for value creation can be accelerated and materialized. - Financial Flexibility: The aggregate proceeds from the Private Placement and the Mali Transaction, expected to total over
US , with approximately$500 million US in upfront cash consideration, create a fortress balance sheet, further improving the Company's financial flexibility. This robust balance sheet underpins Allied's transformational growth plans, including the development of its Kurmuk project in$250 million Ethiopia and the ongoing phased expansion at Sadiola. Kurmuk is expected to start production in mid-2026 with a target production level of approximately 290,000 gold ounces per annum over the first 4 years and 240,000 gold ounces per annum over the life of mine at industry-leading AISC(1). With Proven and Probable Mineral Reserves of 2.7 million ounces of gold and significant geological upside, the Company is targeting a mine life greater than 15 years driven by an extensive exploration program. The phased expansion approach at Sadiola is driving production increases from approximately 170,000 ounces in 2023 to a mid-term range between 200,000 and 230,000 ounces per year as result of oxide ore feed and the implementation of the first expansion phase later this year. This is followed by a further expansion stage expected to be completed in late 2028, which will target a production level of 400,000 gold ounces per annum over the first 4 years and 300,000 gold ounces per annum over a 19-year mine life based on 7.2 million ounces in Mineral Reserves. The Company is advancing metallurgical and engineering studies to confirm the opportunity to increase production over these life-of-mine levels through the optimization of metallurgical recoveries and a progressive expansion approach. The improved financial flexibility arising from the Transaction will provide the opportunity to optimize these expansion plans while also providing the Company with tools to pursue strategic opportunities along with its new partner, Ambrosia. - Capital Allocation: The Partnership allows Allied to optimize its capital allocation strategy for its Sadiola mine expansion while retaining exposure to the asset's growth and significant inherent value. In partnership with Ambrosia, the Company can assess improved growth paths for Sadiola, including the studies to increase metallurgical recoveries, the progressive expansion approach, other project optimizations, and their implementation, along with the acceleration of the development of exploration targets and other value-added initiatives in the region. The Transaction also allows the Company to more critically evaluate the potential for growth initiatives at its other assets, including the increase of mine life at its Bonikro and Agbaou assets and the potential development of new mining areas at Kurmuk while preserving a net cash position to pursue other opportunities.
- Geological Endowment and Returns: The Mali Transaction endorses the significant value opportunity in the
Mali -Senegal shear zone and the Sadiola land package in particular. The region hosts several multi-million-ounce deposits, which provide the opportunity to realize sizeable returns on investment.
Peter Marrone, Allied's Chairman and CEO, commented, "We are delighted with the formation of this strategic alliance and to partner with such influential persons who have a similar understanding and appreciation of Sadiola and the
Mr. Ahmed Amer Al Amry, Chairman of Ambrosia, stated: "We are delighted to partner with Allied Gold. We have been looking for some time at establishing an alliance with a high-quality precious metals mining company. We have found that in Allied Gold with its impressive portfolio of assets and management team. We are excited to be a shareholder and will continue to support the efforts of the company. We also look forward to our partnership in Sadiola, which we view as an exceptional opportunity. With the support of the
Senior Advisor to the transaction, Omar Abu-Sharif, CEO of Resonance Capital said: "We are delighted with this landmark transaction that was achieved through a strategic vision and structuring innovation, bringing together distinguished and experienced investors from the
Transaction Details
The Company and Ambrosia have entered into a definitive subscription agreement in connection with the Private Placement and binding term sheets providing for the terms of the other components of the strategic partnership. Closing of the Transaction and funding of the Private Placement is subject to finalization and entry into a definitive share purchase agreement relating to the sale of
The Private Placement is expected to close on or about March 17, 2025, or such other date as the parties thereto may determine and, as noted above, is subject to the satisfaction of certain closing conditions. The TSX has provided its conditional approval for the listing of the Private Placement Shares. The Private Placement Shares will be subject to a statutory hold period of four months and one day from issuance of such shares on closing of the Private Placement, in accordance with applicable Canadian securities legislation.
Advisors and counsel
In connection with the Transaction and Private Placement, Allied has retained Stifel Nicolaus Canada Inc. and National Bank Financial Inc. as financial advisors, and Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP and Hogan Lovells International LLP as legal counsel. Ambrosia is being advised by SCP Resource Finance LP as financial advisor and by A&O Shearman and McCarthy Tétrault LLP as legal counsel.
The Board of Directors of Allied has approved the Private Placement and the binding term sheets in connection with the completion of the Transaction. Stifel Nicolaus Canada Inc. and National Bank Financial Inc. have each provided an opinion to the Board of Directors of Allied to the effect that, as of February 23, 2025, the consideration to be received by Allied under the terms of the Mali Transaction is fair, from a financial point of view, to Allied, in each case, subject to the respective limitations, qualifications, and assumptions set forth in such opinions.
About Allied Gold Corporation
Allied Gold is a Canadian-based gold producer with a significant growth profile and mineral endowment. It operates a portfolio of three producing assets and development projects located in Côte d'Ivoire,
About Ambrosia Investment Holding
Ambrosia is a newly formed investment fund chaired by Mr. Ahmed Amer Al Amry who is a distinguished
ATGC, established in 1972 in
Conference Call, Webcast, and BMO Conference
Allied Gold is attending the prestigious BMO Global Metals, Mining & Critical Minerals Conference (the "BMO Conference") in
Dial-In Numbers / Webcast
Toll-free dial-in number ( | 1-800-898-3989 |
Local dial-in number: | 416-406-0743 |
Toll Free ( | 00-80042228835 |
Participant Passcode: | 6826630# |
Webcast: |
(1) | This is a non-GAAP financial performance measure for which the most directly comparable IFRS measure is cost of sales. Refer to the Non-GAAP Financial Performance Measures section at the end of this news release. |
Qualified Persons
Except as otherwise disclosed, all scientific and technical information contained in this press release has been reviewed and approved by Sébastien Bernier, P.Geo, Vice President, Technical Services of Allied. Mr. Bernier is an employee of Allied and a "Qualified Person" as defined by Canadian Securities Administrators' National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.
This press release contains "forward-looking information" including "future oriented financial information" under applicable Canadian securities legislation. Except for statements of historical fact relating to the Company, information contained herein constitutes forward-looking information, including, but not limited to, information as to the Company's strategy, objectives, plans or future financial or operating performance. Forward-looking statements are characterized by words such as "plan", "expect", "budget", "target", "project", "intend", "believe", "anticipate", "estimate" and other similar words or negative versions thereof, or statements that certain events or conditions "may", "will", "should", "would" or "could" occur. In particular, forward-looking information included in this press release includes, without limitation, statements with respect to:
- information concerning the Transaction, including the structure, timing, completion and terms and conditions thereof;
- information concerning the entering into and terms of definitive documentation with respect to the purchase of
50% of the Company's interest in itsMali operations, the joint venture and shareholders agreement and power supply agreement; - information concerning the conditions precedent to the Transaction, including certain third-party consents and agreements;
- the anticipated closing of the Private Placement;
- information concerning Ambrosia's intention to acquire Allied shares in the market following closing of the Private Placement, up to a maximum aggregate beneficial ownership of
19% ; - the anticipated benefits of the strategic partnership, including the ability to accelerate growth initiatives, optimize operations, pursue strategic options and enhance shareholder value;
- the expected benefits to shareholders of the Company as a result of the completion of the Transaction;
- the Company's expectations in connection with the production and exploration, development and expansion plans at the Company's projects discussed herein being met;
- the Company's plans to continue building on its base of significant gold production, development-stage properties, exploration properties and land positions in Mali, Côte d'Ivoire and
Ethiopia through optimization initiatives at existing operating mines, development of new mines, the advancement of its exploration properties and, at times, by targeting other consolidation opportunities with a primary focus inAfrica ; - the Company's expectations relating to the performance of its mineral properties;
- the estimation of Mineral Reserves and Mineral Resources;
- the estimation of the life of mine of the Company's projects;
- the timing and amount of estimated future capital and operating costs;
- the costs and timing of exploration and development activities;
- the Company's community relations in the locations where it operates; and
- the Company's aspirations to become a mid-tier next generation gold producer in
Africa and ultimately a leading senior global gold producer.
Forward-looking information is based on the opinions, assumptions and estimates of management considered reasonable at the date the statements are made, and is inherently subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other known and unknown factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking information. These factors include risks and uncertainties related to the Transaction, including the Company's ability to consummate the Transaction on the proposed terms and on the proposed timeline anticipated, or at all; the satisfaction of conditions precedent to the consummation of the Transaction on the proposed terms and schedule, including obtaining the required third-party consents and agreements, risks relating to the strategic partnership with respect to the Company's operations in
Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking information, there may be other factors that could cause actions, events or results to not be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that forward-looking information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking information if circumstances or management's estimates, assumptions or opinions should change, except as required by applicable law. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking information. The forward-looking information contained herein is presented for the purpose of assisting investors in understanding the Company's proposed strategic partnership plans in connection with the Sadiola mine and
The Company has included certain non-GAAP financial performance measures in this press release, which supplement its Consolidated Financial Statements that are presented in accordance with IFRS, including the following:
- Cash costs per gold ounce sold (which is included in AISC); and
- AISC per gold ounce sold
The Company believes that these measures, together with measures determined in accordance with IFRS, provide investors with an improved ability to evaluate the underlying performance of the Company.
Non-GAAP financial performance measures do not have any standardized meaning prescribed under IFRS, and therefore may not be comparable to similar measures employed by other companies. Non-GAAP financial performance measures are intended to provide additional information, and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for measures of performance prepared in accordance with IFRS and are not necessarily indicative of operating costs, operating earnings or cash flows presented under IFRS.
Management's determination of the components of non-GAAP financial performance measures and other financial measures are evaluated on a periodic basis, influenced by new items and transactions, a review of investor uses and new regulations as applicable. Any changes to the measures are duly noted and retrospectively applied, as applicable. Subtotals and per unit measures may not calculate based on amounts presented in the following tables due to rounding.
The measures of cash costs and AISC, along with revenue from sales, are considered to be key indicators of a company's ability to generate operating earnings and cash flows from its mining operations.
Cash costs include mine site operating costs such as mining, processing, administration, production taxes and royalties which are not based on sales or taxable income calculations. Cash costs exclude DA, exploration costs, accretion and amortization of reclamation and remediation, and capital, development and exploration spend. Cash costs include only items directly related to each mine site, and do not include any cost associated with the general corporate overhead structure.
The Company discloses cash costs because it understands that certain investors use this information to determine the Company's ability to generate earnings and cash flows for use in investing and other activities. The Company believes that conventional measures of performance prepared in accordance with IFRS do not fully illustrate the ability of its operating mines to generate cash flows. The most directly comparable IFRS measure is cost of sales, excluding DA. As aforementioned, this non-GAAP measure does not have any standardized meaning prescribed under IFRS, and therefore may not be comparable to similar measures employed by other companies, should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for measures of performance prepared in accordance with IFRS, and is not necessarily indicative of operating costs, operating earnings or cash flows presented under IFRS.
Cash costs are computed on a weighted average basis, with the aforementioned costs, net of by-product revenue credits from sales of silver, being the numerator in the calculation, divided by gold ounces sold.
AISC figures are calculated generally in accordance with a standard developed by the World Gold Council ("WGC"), a non-regulatory, market development organization for the gold industry. Adoption of the standard is voluntary, and the standard is an attempt to create uniformity and a standard amongst the industry and those that adopt it. Nonetheless, the cost measures presented herein may not be comparable to other similarly titled measures of other companies. The Company is not a member of the WGC at this time.
AISC include cash costs (as defined above), mine sustaining capital expenditures (including stripping), sustaining mine-site exploration and evaluation expensed and capitalized, and accretion and amortization of reclamation and remediation. AISC exclude capital expenditures attributable to projects or mine expansions, exploration and evaluation costs attributable to growth projects, DA, income tax payments, borrowing costs and dividend payments. AISC include only items directly related to each mine site, and do not include any cost associated with the general corporate overhead structure. As a result, Total AISC represent the weighted average of the three operating mines, and not a consolidated total for the Company. Consequently, this measure is not representative of all of the Company's cash expenditures.
Sustaining capital expenditures are expenditures that do not increase annual gold ounce production at a mine site and exclude all expenditures at the Company's development projects as well as certain expenditures at the Company's operating sites that are deemed expansionary in nature, such as the Sadiola Phased Expansion, the construction and development of Kurmuk and the PB5 pushback at Bonikro. Exploration capital expenditures represent exploration spend that has met criteria for capitalization under IFRS.
The Company discloses AISC as it believes that the measure provides useful information and assists investors in understanding total sustaining expenditures of producing and selling gold from current operations, and evaluating the Company's operating performance and its ability to generate cash flow. The most directly comparable IFRS measure is cost of sales, excluding DA. As aforementioned, this non-GAAP measure does not have any standardized meaning prescribed under IFRS, and therefore may not be comparable to similar measures employed by other companies, should not be considered in isolation as a substitute for measures of performance prepared in accordance with IFRS, and is not necessarily indicative of operating costs, operating earnings or cash flows presented under IFRS.
AISC are computed on a weighted average basis, with the aforementioned costs, net of by-product revenue credits from sales of silver, being the numerator in the calculation, divided by gold ounces sold.
Mineral Reserves at 31 December 2024
Mineral Property | Proven Mineral Reserves | Probable Mineral Reserves | Total Mineral Reserves | ||||||
Tonnes | Grade | Content | Tonnes | Grade | Content | Tonnes | Grade | Content | |
Sadiola Mine | 18,427 | 0.50 | 295 | 131,232 | 1.59 | 6,702 | 149,659 | 1.45 | 6,997 |
Korali Sud Mine | 1,151 | 0.70 | 26 | 4,188 | 1.23 | 166 | 5,340 | 1.12 | 192 |
Kurmuk Project | 21,864 | 1.51 | 1,063 | 38,670 | 1.35 | 1,678 | 60,534 | 1.41 | 2,742 |
Bonikro Mine | 6,021 | 0.76 | 147 | 5,961 | 1.55 | 297 | 11,982 | 1.15 | 444 |
Agbaou Mine | 2,241 | 1.59 | 115 | 7,250 | 1.47 | 343 | 9,491 | 1.50 | 458 |
Total Mineral Reserves | 49,704 | 1.03 | 1,645 | 187,302 | 1.53 | 9,187 | 237,006 | 1.42 | 10,832 |
- Mineral Reserves are stated effective as of December 31, 2024 and estimated in accordance with CIM Standards and NI 43-101
- Shown on a
100% basis. - Reflects that portion of the Mineral Resource which can be economically extracted by open pit methods.
- Considers the modifying factors and other parameters, including but not limited to the mining, metallurgical, social, environmental, statutory and financial aspects of the project.
Sadiola and Korali Sud Mines:
- Includes an allowance for mining dilution at
8% and ore loss at3% - A base gold price of
US /oz was used for the pit optimization with$170 0US /oz for Korali Sud.$180 0 - The cut-off grades used for Mineral Reserves reporting were informed by a
US /oz gold price and vary from 0.31 g/t to 0.78 g/t for different ore types due to differences in recoveries, costs for ore processing and ore haulage$170 0
- Includes an allowance for mining dilution at
Kurmuk Project:
- Includes an allowance for mining dilution at
18% and ore loss at2% - A base gold price of
US /oz was used for the pit optimization, with the selected pit shells using values of$150 0US /oz (revenue factor 0.88) for Ashashire and$132 0US /oz (revenue factor 0.96) for Dish Mountain$144 0 - The cut-off grades used for Mineral Reserves reporting were informed by a
US /oz gold price and vary from 0.30 g/t to 0.45 g/t for different ore types due to differences in recoveries, costs for ore processing and ore haulage$150 0
- Includes an allowance for mining dilution at
Bonikro Mine:
- Includes an allowance for mining dilution of 1m on either side of the mineralized unit and ore loss at
1% - A base gold price of
/oz was used for the Mineral Reserves for the Bonikro pit:$180 0- With the selected pit shell using a value of
/oz (revenue factor 1.00)$180 0 - Cut-off grades vary from 0.57 to 0.63 g/t Au for different ore types due to differences in recoveries, costs for ore processing and ore haulage
- With the selected pit shell using a value of
- A base gold price of
/oz was used for the Mineral Reserves for the Agbalé pit:$180 0- With the selected pit shell using a value of
US /oz (revenue factor 1.00)$180 0 - Cut-off grades vary from 0.67 to 0.78 g/t Au for different ore types to the Agbaou processing plant due to differences in recoveries, costs for ore processing and ore haulage
- With the selected pit shell using a value of
- Includes an allowance for mining dilution of 1m on either side of the mineralized unit and ore loss at
Agbaou Mine:
- Includes an allowance for mining dilution of 1m on either side of the mineralized unit and ore loss at
1% - A base gold price of
/oz was used for the Mineral Reserves for the:$180 0- Pit designs (revenue factor 1.00)
- Cut-off grades which range from 0.41 to 0.63 g/t for different ore types due to differences in recoveries, costs for ore processing and ore haulage
- Includes an allowance for mining dilution of 1m on either side of the mineralized unit and ore loss at
Mineral Resources at 31 December 2024
Mineral Property | Measured Mineral Resources | Indicated Mineral Resources | Total Measured and Indicated | ||||||
Tonnes | Grade | Content | Tonnes | Grade | Content | Tonnes | Grade | Content | |
Sadiola Mine | 19,833 | 0.55 | 349 | 192,248 | 1.55 | 9,610 | 212,081 | 1.46 | 9,958 |
Korali Sud Mine | 1,194 | 0.73 | 28 | 6,411 | 1.29 | 266 | 7,605 | 1.20 | 294 |
Kurmuk Project | 20,472 | 1.74 | 1,148 | 37,439 | 1.64 | 1,972 | 57,912 | 1.68 | 3,120 |
Bonikro Mine | 9,649 | 1.08 | 336 | 30,565 | 1.37 | 1,345 | 40,214 | 1.30 | 1,681 |
Agbaou Mine | 1,748 | 2.29 | 129 | 7,579 | 2.06 | 502 | 9,327 | 2.10 | 631 |
Total Mineral Resources | 52,896 | 1.17 | 1,990 | 274,242 | 1.55 | 13,694 | 327,137 | 1.49 | 15,684 |
Inferred Mineral Resources at 31 December 2024
Mineral Property | Inferred Mineral Resources | ||
Tonnes (kt) | Grade (g/t) | Content (koz) | |
Sadiola Mine | 14,271 | 1.08 | 496 |
Korali Sud Mine | 316 | 0.73 | 7 |
Kurmuk Project | 5,980 | 1.62 | 311 |
Bonikro Mine | 11,129 | 1.33 | 474 |
Agbaou Mine | 1,986 | 2.35 | 150 |
Total Mineral Resources | 33,683 | 1.33 | 1,439 |
- Mineral Resources are estimated in accordance with CIM Standards and NI 43-101
- Shown on a
100% basis - Are inclusive of Mineral Reserves. Mineral Resources that are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability
- The Sadiola, Korali Sud, Bonikro, and Agbaou Mineral Resource Estimates are listed at 0.5 g/t Au cut-off grade, constrained within an US
$200 0/oz pit shell and depleted to 31 December 2024 - The Kurmuk Mineral Resource Estimate is listed at 0.5 g/t Au cut-off grade, constrained within an
US /oz pit shell.$180 0 - Rounding of numbers may lead to discrepancies when summing columns
Mineral Property | Qualified Person | |
Mineral Resources | Mineral Reserves | |
Sadiola Mine | Shane Fieldgate | Steve Craig |
Korali Sud Mine | Phillip Schiemer | Steve Craig |
Kurmuk Project | Phillip Schiemer | Steve Craig |
Bonikro Mine | Phillip Schiemer | Esteban Chacon |
Agbaou Mine | Phillip Schiemer | Esteban Chacon |
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