American Airlines Intensifies Fight Against Human Trafficking With Expanded Training, Key Partnerships, and Global Recognition

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American Airlines (AAL) has intensified its fight against human trafficking through expanded training, key partnerships, and global recognition. The company conducts mandatory human trafficking awareness training for frontline team members and provides modern slavery training for those with international purchasing responsibilities. American has received a Pro Bono Service Award from the U.S. Government's Legal Services for its efforts to help trafficking survivors.

The airline collaborates with various organizations, including PACT, It's a Penalty, DHS Blue Campaign, New Friends New Life, and Texas Businesses Against Trafficking. These partnerships involve awareness campaigns, legislative advocacy, and support for survivors. American has also donated AAdvantage® miles to facilitate travel for advocacy efforts and trainings.

In June 2023, American published its annual Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement to comply with UK and Australian laws. The company's commitment extends to participating in state-level initiatives, such as the Governor's Council to Combat Human Trafficking in Arizona.

American Airlines (AAL) ha intensificato la sua lotta contro la tratta di esseri umani attraverso un ampliamento della formazione, importanti partnership e riconoscimenti a livello globale. L'azienda svolge formazione obbligatoria sulla consapevolezza riguardo alla tratta di esseri umani per i membri del personale di front line e offre training sulla schiavitù moderna per coloro che hanno responsabilità di acquisto internazionali. American ha ricevuto un Pro Bono Service Award dal Servizio Legale del Governo degli Stati Uniti per i suoi sforzi nell'aiutare i sopravvissuti alla tratta.

La compagnia aerea collabora con varie organizzazioni, tra cui PACT, It's a Penalty, DHS Blue Campaign, New Friends New Life e Texas Businesses Against Trafficking. Queste partnership coinvolgono campagne di sensibilizzazione, advocacy legislativa e supporto per i sopravvissuti. American ha anche donato miglia AAdvantage® per facilitare i viaggi per sforzi di advocacy e formazione.

Nel giugno 2023, American ha pubblicato la sua dichiarazione annuale sulla Schiavitù Moderna e sulla Tratta di Esseri Umani per conformarsi alle leggi del Regno Unito e dell'Australia. L'impegno dell'azienda si estende alla partecipazione a iniziative a livello statale, come il Consiglio del Governatore per Combattere la Tratta di Esseri Umani in Arizona.

American Airlines (AAL) ha intensificado su lucha contra la trata de personas a través de la formación ampliada, asociaciones clave y reconocimiento global. La compañía realiza formación obligatoria sobre la concienciación sobre la trata de personas para los miembros del equipo en primera línea y proporciona formación sobre esclavitud moderna para aquellos con responsabilidades de compra internacional. American ha recibido un Pro Bono Service Award del Servicio Legal del Gobierno de los EE. UU. por sus esfuerzos para ayudar a los sobrevivientes de la trata.

La aerolínea colabora con varias organizaciones, incluyendo PACT, It's a Penalty, DHS Blue Campaign, New Friends New Life y Texas Businesses Against Trafficking. Estas asociaciones involucran campañas de concienciación, defensa legislativa y apoyo a los sobrevivientes. American también ha donado millas AAdvantage® para facilitar viajes para esfuerzos de defensa y capacitación.

En junio de 2023, American publicó su Declaración Anual sobre Esclavitud Moderna y Trata de Personas para cumplir con las leyes del Reino Unido y de Australia. El compromiso de la empresa también se extiende a la participación en iniciativas a nivel estatal, como el Consejo del Gobernador para Combatir la Trata de Personas en Arizona.

아메리칸 항공(AAL)은 확장된 교육, 주요 파트너십 및 글로벌 인정을 통해 인신 매매에 대한 싸움을 강화했습니다. 이 회사는 프론트라인 팀원을 위한 의무 인신 매매 인식 교육을 실시하고 국제 구매 책임이 있는 사람들을 위한 현대적 학대 교육을 제공합니다. 아메리칸은 인신 매매 생존자를 돕기 위한 노력으로 미국 정부 법률 서비스로부터 프로 보노 서비스 상을 수상했습니다.

항공사는 PACT, It's a Penalty, DHS Blue Campaign, New Friends New Life, 그리고 Texas Businesses Against Trafficking와 같은 다양한 조직과 협력합니다. 이러한 파트너십은 인식 캠페인, 입법 옹호 및 생존자 지원을 포함합니다. 아메리칸은 또한 옹호 노력과 교육을 위한 여행을 촉진하기 위해 AAdvantage® 마일리지를 기부했습니다.

2023년 6월, 아메리칸은 영국과 호주의 법률을 준수하기 위해 현대적 학대 및 인신 매매 성명서를 발표했습니다. 회사의 약속은 애리조나의 인신 매매 방지를 위한 주 정부 위원회와 같은 주 차원 이니셔티브에 참여하는 것에까지 확장됩니다.

American Airlines (AAL) a intensifié sa lutte contre la traite des êtres humains grâce à une formation élargie, des partenariats clés et une reconnaissance mondiale. La compagnie effectue une formation obligatoire sur la sensibilisation à la traite des êtres humains pour les membres de l'équipe en première ligne et propose une formation sur l'esclavage moderne pour ceux qui ont des responsabilités d'achat à l'international. American a reçu un Pro Bono Service Award des services juridiques du gouvernement américain pour ses efforts visant à aider les survivants de la traite.

La compagnie aérienne collabore avec diverses organisations, notamment PACT, It's a Penalty, DHS Blue Campaign, New Friends New Life et Texas Businesses Against Trafficking. Ces partenariats incluent des campagnes de sensibilisation, du plaidoyer législatif et un soutien aux survivants. American a également fait don de miles AAdvantage® pour faciliter les voyages pour les efforts de plaidoyer et les formations.

En juin 2023, American a publié sa Déclaration annuelle sur l'esclavage moderne et la traite des êtres humains pour se conformer aux lois britanniques et australiennes. L'engagement de l'entreprise s'étend également à la participation à des initiatives au niveau de l'État, comme le Conseil du Gouverneur pour lutter contre la traite des êtres humains en Arizona.

American Airlines (AAL) hat seinen Kampf gegen Menschenhandel durch erweiterte Schulungen, wichtige Partnerschaften und globale Anerkennung intensiviert. Das Unternehmen führt verpflichtende Schulungen zur Sensibilisierung für Menschenhandel für Frontmitarbeiter durch und bietet Schulungen zur modernen Sklaverei für Mitarbeiter mit internationalen Einkaufsverantwortlichkeiten an. American hat einen Pro Bono Service Award von den Rechtsdiensten der US-Regierung für seine Bemühungen erhalten, Überlebenden von Menschenhandel zu helfen.

Die Fluggesellschaft arbeitet mit verschiedenen Organisationen zusammen, darunter PACT, It's a Penalty, DHS Blue Campaign, New Friends New Life und Texas Businesses Against Trafficking. Diese Partnerschaften umfassen Sensibilisierungskampagnen, gesetzgeberische Advocacy und Unterstützung für Überlebende. American hat auch AAdvantage®-Meilen gespendet, um Reisen für Advocacy-Maßnahmen und Schulungen zu erleichtern.

Im Juni 2023 veröffentlichte American seine jährliche Erklärung zur modernen Sklaverei und Menschenhandel, um den Gesetzen des Vereinigten Königreichs und Australiens zu entsprechen. Das Engagement des Unternehmens erstreckt sich auch auf die Teilnahme an Initiativen auf Landesebene, wie dem Gouverneursrat zur Bekämpfung des Menschenhandels in Arizona.

  • Received Pro Bono Service Award from U.S. Government's Legal Services
  • Partnerships with multiple organizations to combat human trafficking
  • Donation of AAdvantage® miles to support anti-trafficking initiatives
  • Mandatory human trafficking awareness training for frontline employees
  • Participation in state-level initiatives against human trafficking
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 17, 2024 / American Airlines
Originally published in American Airlines' 2023 Sustainability Report

Combating human trafficking

American has long been committed to combating human trafficking, modern slavery and child exploitation. We conduct mandatory human trafficking awareness training for our frontline, customer-facing team members - including flight attendants, pilots and airport customer service representatives. This training is required for new hires and as part of our recurrent training programs. We also provide modern slavery training developed by TRACE International for team members with international purchasing responsibilities. Vigilance is key in fighting human trafficking and modern slavery, and we stand ready to help. Our team regularly updates our reporting and security processes with the latest information and best practices.

American has received recognition for our efforts, including a Pro Bono Service Award from the U.S. Government's Legal Services Corporation in January 2024. Nominated by Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas, we were praised for our role in "establishing and scaling a collaboration to help survivors of human trafficking obtain expungements and resolve other life-altering civil legal problems."

Our collaboration with government agencies, industry partners and nongovernmental organizations is an essential component of our human trafficking prevention program. For example, our Vice President at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport sits on the Governor's Council to Combat Human Trafficking in Arizona. The Council addresses human trafficking in the state through strategic and targeted human trafficking prevention and awareness efforts.

Our partners in American's effort to combat human trafficking include the following:


This nonprofit works to protect every child's right to grow up free from child sexual exploitation and trafficking, through education, legislative advocacy and partnerships. American is a signatory to the PACT Tourism Child-Protection Code of Conduct. We have also donated AAdvantage® miles that will enable members of PACT's Survivors' Council to participate in meetings with members of Congress and other elected officials to share their expertise and recommendations to improve trafficking prevention legislation and policies. These individuals can also travel to legislative advocacy and community education events to tell their stories. Learn more about PACT.

It's a Penalty

This organization combats human trafficking, exploitation and abuse through educational campaigns during major sporting events around the globe. Through its work, It's a Penalty has helped protect more than 17,000 survivors of abuse, exploitation and trafficking, and prevented the victimization of many more.

Our team members have volunteered their time by joining It's a Penalty's latest Las Vegas Super Bowl campaign launch and supporting its advocacy efforts. American also promoted the organization's mission on our seatback and wireless entertainment platforms during the first two months of 2024. As with PACT, we have donated AAdvantage® miles to help facilitate trainings, awareness sessions and other initiatives that can benefit from air travel. Learn more about It's a Penalty.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Blue Campaign

This national public awareness effort educates the public, law enforcement and industry partners about human trafficking. In early 2024, American's Professional Women in Aviation Employee Business Resource Group hosted human trafficking awareness sessions with either DHS or other partners at the following six locations: Dallas Fort Worth International Airport (DFW), Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, Boston Logan International Airport, Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport and London Heathrow Airport. Learn more about the DHS Blue Campaign.

New Friends New Life (NFNL)

This Dallas-based organization works to restore and empower formerly trafficked teenage girls and sexually exploited women and their children. According to NFNL research, Texas ranks second in the country for trafficking prevalence, with more than 300,000 victims annually statewide. By providing access to education, job training, financial assistance and mental health support, NFNL helps women and their children overcome backgrounds of abuse, addiction, poverty and limited opportunities. NFNL also joined American at DFW to train team members on signs of human trafficking and how to prevent it. Learn more about NFNL.

Texas Businesses Against Trafficking

This public-private awareness and prevention initiative is led by the Texas Secretary of State. Learn more about Texas Businesses Against Trafficking.

Our Legal team oversees the company's compliance with applicable domestic and international modern slavery and human trafficking laws. In June 2023, we published the annual update of American's Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement to comply with the United Kingdom's Modern Slavery Act 2015 and Australia's Modern Slavery Act 2018.

"As the airline representative on the Governor's Council to Combat Human Trafficking in Arizona, I know American can lend a unique perspective to the fight against trafficking. The council is a prime example of how collaboration between the public and private sectors can help us reach our collective goals."

- Sophia Philis-Ortiz
American Airlines Vice President, Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport

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In January 2024, American team members participated in a training session along with others based at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. More than 100 aviation professionals attended.

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SOURCE: American Airlines

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What training does American Airlines (AAL) provide to combat human trafficking?

American Airlines provides mandatory human trafficking awareness training for frontline, customer-facing team members, including flight attendants, pilots, and airport customer service representatives. They also offer modern slavery training for team members with international purchasing responsibilities.

Which organizations does American Airlines (AAL) partner with to fight human trafficking?

American Airlines partners with several organizations to combat human trafficking, including PACT, It's a Penalty, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Blue Campaign, New Friends New Life, and Texas Businesses Against Trafficking.

How has American Airlines (AAL) been recognized for its efforts against human trafficking?

American Airlines received a Pro Bono Service Award from the U.S. Government's Legal Services in January 2024 for its role in helping survivors of human trafficking obtain expungements and resolve other civil legal problems.

When did American Airlines (AAL) publish its Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement?

American Airlines published the annual update of its Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement in June 2023 to comply with the United Kingdom's Modern Slavery Act 2015 and Australia's Modern Slavery Act 2018.

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