American Airlines Becomes First US Airline To Launch Automated Tag for Mobility Devices
American Airlines has become the first U.S. airline to launch an automated tag for mobility devices, demonstrating its commitment to improving wheelchair and mobility device handling. Developed in-house, these tags are currently used across American's and its regional partners' airports. The new automated tags replace manual tags and include customer- and device-specific data such as itineraries, delivery points, device weight, and battery type.
This initiative is part of American's broader efforts to enhance the travel experience for customers using wheelchairs and mobility devices. The airline has reported a 13% improvement in mobility device handling from the first half of 2023 to the first half of 2024. Other improvements include hands-on training for team members, investments in airport infrastructure, and streamlining the traveler experience through digital management of mobility device needs.
American Airlines è diventata la prima compagnia aerea statunitense a lanciare un'etichetta automatizzata per dispositivi di mobilità, dimostrando il suo impegno nel migliorare la gestione delle sedie a rotelle e dei dispositivi di mobilità. Sviluppate internamente, queste etichette sono attualmente utilizzate negli aeroporti di American e dei suoi partner regionali. Le nuove etichette automatizzate sostituiscono le etichette manuali e includono dati specifici per il cliente e il dispositivo come itinerari, punti di consegna, peso del dispositivo e tipo di batteria.
Questa iniziativa fa parte degli sforzi più ampi di American per migliorare l'esperienza di viaggio per i clienti che utilizzano sedie a rotelle e dispositivi di mobilità. La compagnia aerea ha riportato un 13% di miglioramento nella gestione dei dispositivi di mobilità dalla prima metà del 2023 alla prima metà del 2024. Altri miglioramenti includono formazione pratica per i membri del team, investimenti nelle infrastrutture aeroportuali e semplificazione dell'esperienza del viaggiatore attraverso la gestione digitale delle esigenze dei dispositivi di mobilità.
American Airlines se ha convertido en la primera aerolínea de EE. UU. en lanzar una etiqueta automatizada para dispositivos de movilidad, demostrando su compromiso con la mejora del manejo de sillas de ruedas y dispositivos de movilidad. Desarrolladas internamente, estas etiquetas se utilizan actualmente en los aeropuertos de American y de sus socios regionales. Las nuevas etiquetas automatizadas reemplazan a las etiquetas manuales e incluyen d datos específicos del cliente y del dispositivo, como itinerarios, puntos de entrega, peso del dispositivo y tipo de batería.
Esta iniciativa es parte de los esfuerzos más amplios de American para mejorar la experiencia de viaje de los clientes que utilizan sillas de ruedas y dispositivos de movilidad. La aerolínea ha reportado una mejora del 13% en el manejo de dispositivos de movilidad desde la primera mitad de 2023 hasta la primera mitad de 2024. Otras mejoras incluyen capacitación práctica para los miembros del equipo, inversiones en infraestructura aeroportuaria y optimización de la experiencia del viajero a través de la gestión digital de las necesidades de dispositivos de movilidad.
아메리칸 항공은 자동화된 이동 기기 태그를 출시한 최초의 미국 항공사가 되었으며, 휠체어 및 이동 기기 처리 개선에 대한 의지를 보여주고 있습니다. 내부에서 개발된 이 태그는 현재 아메리칸 항공과 그 지역 파트너의 공항에서 사용되고 있습니다. 새로운 자동 태그는 수동 태그를 대체하며 고객 및 기기별 데이터(여정, 배송 장소, 기기 무게 및 배터리 유형 등)를 포함하고 있습니다.
이번 이니셔티브는 휠체어 및 이동 기기를 사용하는 고객의 여행 경험을 향상시키기 위한 아메리칸 항공의 광범위한 노력의 일환입니다. 항공사는 2023년 상반기부터 2024년 상반기까지 이동 기기 처리에서 13% 개선을 보고했습니다. 다른 개선 사항으로는 팀원에 대한 실습 교육, 공항 인프라에 대한 투자, 이동 기기 요구 사항의 디지털 관리를 통한 여행자 경험 간소화 등이 있습니다.
American Airlines est devenue la première compagnie aérienne américaine à lancer une étiquette automatisée pour les dispositifs de mobilité, démontrant ainsi son engagement à améliorer la gestion des fauteuils roulants et des dispositifs de mobilité. Développées en interne, ces étiquettes sont actuellement utilisées dans les aéroports d'American et de ses partenaires régionaux. Les nouvelles étiquettes automatisées remplacent les étiquettes manuelles et incluent des données spécifiques au client et au dispositif telles que les itinéraires, les points de livraison, le poids du dispositif et le type de batterie.
Cette initiative fait partie des efforts plus larges d'American pour améliorer l'expérience de voyage des clients utilisant des fauteuils roulants et des dispositifs de mobilité. La compagnie aérienne a signalé une amélioration de 13 % dans la gestion des dispositifs de mobilité de la première moitié de 2023 à la première moitié de 2024. D'autres améliorations incluent une formation pratique pour les membres de l'équipe, des investissements dans les infrastructures aéroportuaires et la rationalisation de l'expérience voyageur grâce à la gestion numérique des besoins en dispositifs de mobilité.
American Airlines ist die erste US-Fluggesellschaft, die ein automatisiertes Etikett für Mobilitätsgeräte einführt und zeigt damit ihr Engagement für die Verbesserung der Handhabung von Rollstühlen und Mobilitätsgeräten. Diese in Eigenproduktion entwickelten Etiketten werden derzeit in den Flughäfen von American und deren regionalen Partnern verwendet. Die neuen automatisierten Etiketten ersetzen manuelle Etiketten und enthalten kunden- und gerätespezifische Daten wie Reiserouten, Abholpunkte, Gerätegewicht und Batterietyp.
Diese Initiative steht im Rahmen von American Airlines umfassenderen Bemühungen, das Reiseerlebnis für Kunden, die Rollstühle und Mobilitätsgeräte nutzen, zu verbessern. Die Fluggesellschaft berichtete von einer Verbesserung der Handhabung von Mobilitätsgeräten um 13% von der ersten Hälfte des Jahres 2023 bis zur ersten Hälfte des Jahres 2024. Weitere Verbesserungen umfassen praktische Schulungen für Teammitglieder, Investitionen in die Flughafeninfrastruktur und die Optimierung des Reisenden-Erlebnisses durch digitales Management der Bedürfnisse von Mobilitätsgeräten.
- First U.S. airline to implement automated tags for mobility devices
- 13% improvement in mobility device handling from H1 2023 to H1 2024
- In-house development of technology solution
- Enhanced data sharing and visibility across frontline team members
- None.
American Airlines' introduction of automated tags for mobility devices is a positive step towards improving customer experience and operational efficiency. This innovation addresses a critical pain point in air travel for passengers with disabilities. While it's unlikely to have a significant immediate impact on the company's financials, it could lead to long-term benefits:
- Enhanced brand reputation and customer loyalty
- Potential reduction in mobility device mishandling costs
- Improved operational efficiency
The in-house development of this automated tagging system demonstrates American Airlines' commitment to technological innovation. The system's ability to capture and share detailed device-specific data represents a significant advancement in airline operations technology. Key technical benefits include:
- Enhanced data integration across frontline applications
- Improved tracking and visibility of mobility devices
- Potential for data-driven insights to further optimize handling processes
This technology could serve as a competitive advantage for American Airlines, potentially leading to industry-wide adoption. Investors should consider the scalability of this solution and its potential for application in other areas of baggage handling and customer service.
FORT WORTH, TX / ACCESSWIRE / August 14, 2024 / American Airlines is the first U.S. airline to launch an automated tag for mobility devices, part of an ongoing commitment to improve wheelchair and mobility device handling across its network. Developed in-house by American's Technology team, the tags are currently used in the airports where American and its regional partners operate.
"American is committed to improving the travel experience for our customers who use wheelchairs and mobility devices," said Julie Rath, American's Senior Vice President of Airports, Reservations and Service Recovery. "Streamlining the check-in and tagging process is an industry-leading effort that will help us further improve how we handle wheelchairs for our customers who entrust us to transport their devices on their journey."
New automated tags, replacing the previous manual tags, feature customer- and device-specific data like itineraries, delivery points, device weight, battery type and the number of items removed and taken on board. This additional information will ensure more accurate and consistent information for team members handling the devices and provide enhanced visibility of the devices throughout customers' travel journeys. The automation also enables the device's information to be more easily shared across frontline team members' applications, ensuring team members have the right information at the right time.
American has launched multiple improvements across its operation to deliver a positive, more seamless travel experience for customers with wheelchairs and mobility devices. These actions have helped American improve handling of these devices. American's handling rate for mobility devices improved nearly
Hands-on training for team members: With the help of an outside organization, American offers in-person mobility device training to its Airport Customer Service and Customer Operations team members and vendor partners, which supplements comprehensive web-based training delivered to all American airport team members.
Investing in airport infrastructure: Wheelchair movers have been deployed and lifts are being installed at the airline's hubs and other airports with high mobility device traffic, which helps lower the risk of damaging mobility devices and team member injury.
Streamlining the traveler experience: American made it easier for customers to add and maintain wheelchairs and other mobility devices as part of their travel profiles. Starting this fall, customers can conveniently access their saved travel preferences, such as traveling with a mobility device or service animal and apply their details to any upcoming trip when managing on Enabling customers to manage these needs digitally ensures the airline has the necessary information to safety and securely transport devices.
About American Airlines Group
To Care for People on Life's Journey®. Shares of American Airlines Group Inc. trade on Nasdaq under the ticker symbol AAL and the company's stock is included in the S&P 500. Learn more about what's happening at American by visiting and connect with American @AmericanAir and at

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SOURCE: American Airlines
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What new technology has American Airlines (AAL) introduced for mobility devices?
How has American Airlines (AAL) improved its handling of mobility devices?
What changes is American Airlines (AAL) implementing for customers with mobility devices in fall 2024?