Asia Broadband Gold Production Continues Upward Trend For Third Quarter, As Ore Stockpile Processing Plant Advances Towards Completion

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Asia Broadband Inc. (OTC: AABB) reports continued growth in gold production for the third quarter of 2024, surpassing second quarter levels. The company has achieved consecutive record quarters in production and gross profit this year. Gold production more than doubled in Q1 2024 compared to Q4 2023, due to improved grade selection, recovery efficiencies, and increased daily throughput.

AABB is constructing a new processing plant in Etzatlan, Mexico, primarily dedicated to processing an estimated $1 billion ore value from the company's exclusive rights surface stockpile. The company plans to release a processing plant project update in October.

AABB continues its mining property acquisition strategy in Mexico, focusing on regions where it has a comparative advantage in development resources and expertise for rapid expansion.

Asia Broadband Inc. (OTC: AABB) riporta una Crescita continua nella produzione di oro per il terzo trimestre del 2024, superando i livelli del secondo trimestre. L'azienda ha raggiunto trimestri record consecutivi nella produzione e nel profitto lordo quest'anno. La produzione di oro è più che raddoppiata nel primo trimestre del 2024 rispetto al quarto trimestre del 2023, grazie a una migliore selezione del grado, efficienze di recupero e aumento del throughput giornaliero.

AABB sta costruendo un nuovo impianto di lavorazione a Etzatlan, Messico, dedicato principalmente alla lavorazione di un valore di minerale stimato di 1 miliardo di dollari dalla riserva superficiale di diritti esclusivi della società. L'azienda prevede di rilasciare un aggiornamento del progetto dell'impianto di lavorazione a ottobre.

AABB continua la sua strategia di acquisizione di proprietà minerarie in Messico, concentrandosi su aree in cui ha un vantaggio comparativo nelle risorse di sviluppo e competenze per un'espansione rapida.

Asia Broadband Inc. (OTC: AABB) informa sobre un crecimiento continuo en la producción de oro para el tercer trimestre de 2024, superando los niveles del segundo trimestre. La empresa ha logrado trimestres récord consecutivos en producción y utilidad bruta este año. La producción de oro se duplicó más que en el primer trimestre de 2024 en comparación con el cuarto trimestre de 2023, debido a una mejor selección de grado, eficiencias de recuperación y un aumento en el rendimiento diario.

AABB está construyendo una nueva planta de procesamiento en Etzatlan, México, dedicada principalmente al procesamiento de un valor estimado de 1 mil millones de dólares en mineral de su reserva superficial con derechos exclusivos. La empresa planea publicar una actualización del proyecto de la planta de procesamiento en octubre.

AABB continúa con su estrategia de adquisición de propiedades mineras en México, enfocándose en regiones donde tiene una ventaja comparativa en recursos de desarrollo y experiencia para una expansión rápida.

아시아 브로드밴드 주식회사 (OTC: AABB)는 2024년 3분기 금 생산이 지속적으로 성장하고 있다고 보고하며, 2분기 수준을 초과하였습니다. 이번년, 회사는 생산 및 총 이익 부문에서 연속적인 기록 분기를 달성했습니다. 금 생산량은 2023년 4분기 대비 2024년 1분기에 배 이상 증가했으며, 이는 품질 선택 개선, 회수 효율 및 일일 처리량 증가 덕분입니다.

AABB는 멕시코 에자틀란에 새로운 가공 공장을 건설 중이며, 주로 회사의 독점 권한이 있는 표면 비축 자원에서 10억 달러 상당의 광석을 처리하는 데 전념하고 있습니다. 회사는 10월에 가공 공장 프로젝트 업데이트를 발표할 계획입니다.

AABB는 멕시코에서의 광산 소유권 인수 전략을 계속 진행하고 있으며, 빠른 확장을 위한 개발 자원 및 전문 지식에서 비교 우위를 가진 지역에 집중하고 있습니다.

Asia Broadband Inc. (OTC: AABB) fait état d'une croissance continue de la production d'or pour le troisième trimestre de 2024, dépassant les niveaux du deuxième trimestre. L'entreprise a atteint des trimestres records consécutifs en production et en bénéfice brut cette année. La production d'or a plus que doublé au premier trimestre de 2024 par rapport au quatrième trimestre de 2023, grâce à une meilleure sélection de qualité, des efficacités de récupération et une augmentation du rendement quotidien.

AABB construit une nouvelle usine de traitement à Etzatlan, au Mexique, principalement dédiée au traitement d'une valeur de minerai estimée à 1 milliard de dollars provenant de la réserve de surface dont la société a les droits exclusifs. L'entreprise prévoit de publier une mise à jour du projet de l'usine de traitement en octobre.

AABB poursuit sa stratégie d'acquisition de propriétés minières au Mexique, en se concentrant sur les régions où elle dispose d'un avantage comparatif en matière de ressources de développement et d'expertise pour une expansion rapide.

Asia Broadband Inc. (OTC: AABB) berichtet über anhaltendes Wachstum in der Goldproduktion für das dritte Quartal 2024, das die Werte des zweiten Quartals übertrifft. Das Unternehmen hat konsekutive Rekordquartale in der Produktion und im Bruttogewinn in diesem Jahr erreicht. Die Goldproduktion hat sich im ersten Quartal 2024 im Vergleich zum vierten Quartal 2023 mehr als verdoppelt, dank verbesserter Gradwahl, Rückgewinnungseffizienzen und erhöhtem täglichen Durchsatz.

AABB baut eine neue Verarbeitungsanlage in Etzatlan, Mexiko, die hauptsächlich der Verarbeitung eines geschätzten 1 Milliarden Dollar Ertragswerts aus dem exklusiven Oberflächenlager des Unternehmens gewidmet ist. Das Unternehmen plant, im Oktober ein Update zum Projekt der Verarbeitungsanlage herauszugeben.

AABB setzt seine Strategie zur Akquisition von Bergbauimmobilien in Mexiko fort und konzentriert sich auf Regionen, in denen es einen komparativen Vorteil in Bezug auf Entwicklungsressourcen und Fachwissen für eine schnelle Expansion hat.

  • Gold production in Q3 2024 surpassed Q2 levels
  • Consecutive record quarters in production and gross profit in 2024
  • Gold production more than doubled in Q1 2024 compared to Q4 2023
  • Reduced production costs due to economies of scale
  • Construction of new processing plant in Etzatlan, Mexico
  • Estimated $1 billion ore value in exclusive rights surface stockpile
  • None.

LAS VEGAS, Sept. 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Asia Broadband Inc. (OTC: AABB) (“AABB” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that the Company’s operations for the 3rd quarter ending September 30, 2024, will be completed next week and production levels have already surpassed the second quarter. The Company has exceeded its production and gross profit levels achieved in both the 1st and 2nd consecutive record quarters this year. Gold production more than doubled in the 1st quarter of 2024, in comparison to the 4th quarter of 2023, due to higher grade selection, recovery efficiencies and increased daily throughput levels. Additionally, the economies of scale from higher productions levels reduced production costs and added to the bottom-line gross profit, which has continued in an upward trend over the last three quarters.

The elevated operational strategies and efficiencies of the AABB mining team continued in the 3rd quarter and has firmly established the foundation for the high production levels to follow the completion of the Company’s processing plant. The new facility is currently under construction in Etzatlan, Mexico, and its capacity will be primarily dedicated to processing the estimated $1 billion dollar ore value of the Company’s exclusive rights surface stockpile. AABB continues to develop the processing plant and will release updates as progress milestones are reached. The Company will release a processing plant project update in October.

“The elevation of our production processes by the mining operations team in all three quarters of this year will have a multiplier effect with increased production levels. We are eagerly awaiting to extend this expertise to our massive ore stockpile processing when the new plant is complete. This will take us to a much higher level than we have ever reached before”, expressed Chris Torres, the Company President and CEO.

AABB continues to implement its mining property acquisition strategy to optimize development capital utilization by focusing operations in regions of Mexico where AABB has a comparative advantage of development resources and expertise readily available for rapid expansion and duplication of the Company’s previous gold production success.

About Asia Broadband

Asia Broadband Inc. (OTC: AABB) is a resource company focused on the production of precious metals and the accumulation of physical gold holdings. The Company utilizes its specific geographic expertise, experience and extensive industry contacts to facilitate the expansion of precious metals property holdings and production in Mexico. The Company's industry and business integration in Mexico and its asset diversification are unique strengths of AABB that differentiate it from other companies and creates distinctive value for shareholders. Additionally, the Company has a digital assets business segment with its AABBG mine-to-token gold-backed cryptocurrency within its own proprietary AABB Wallet and the unique Golden Baboons Mining Club and Shorts Rascal Club Non-Fungible Token (NFT) collections. AABB expects its token to become a world-wide standard of exchange that is stable, secured and trusted with gold backing, while having the added benefit of demand based price appreciation. These are unique and outstanding qualities relative to other cryptocurrencies and digital asset developers.

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Forward-Looking Statements are contained in this press release within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements are based on the Asia Broadband Inc.’s (the “Company”) expected current beliefs about the Company’s business, which are subject to uncertainty and change. The operations and results of the Company could materially differ from what is expressed or implied by the statements made above when industry, regulatory, market and competitive circumstances change. Further information about these risks can be found in the annual and quarterly disclosures the Company has published on the OTC Markets website. The Company is under no obligation to update or alter its forward-looking statements as future circumstances, events and information may change.


What was AABB's gold production performance in Q3 2024?

AABB's gold production in Q3 2024 surpassed Q2 levels, continuing the upward trend for the third consecutive record quarter in production and gross profit.

Where is AABB constructing its new processing plant?

AABB is constructing a new processing plant in Etzatlan, Mexico, primarily dedicated to processing the company's exclusive rights surface stockpile.

What is the estimated value of AABB's ore stockpile?

AABB's exclusive rights surface stockpile has an estimated ore value of $1 billion.

How did AABB's gold production in Q1 2024 compare to Q4 2023?

AABB's gold production more than doubled in Q1 2024 compared to Q4 2023, due to higher grade selection, recovery efficiencies, and increased daily throughput levels.



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