Asia Broadband Corporate Update 2025 – Happy New Year
Asia Broadband Inc. (OTC: AABB) has provided a detailed corporate update for 2025. The company announced that its Etzatlan Plant is expected to be operational by mid-March 2025, despite delays due to equipment delivery issues and severe weather. The plant's initial production target is 350 tons per day, increasing to 500 tons per day, with estimated net revenues of $1.97 million in the first 3 months and $10.43 million in the first 12 months. A second line of production is expected to commence in September 2025, generating higher yields and net revenues of $2.32 million in the first 4 months and $13.93 million in the first 12 months.
Additionally, Asia Broadband plans to install live streaming video cameras at the plant and offer guided investor tours in Q2 2025. The company has hired a new Qualified Person Geologist for further drilling programs and expects a certified NI 43-101 geological report by February. In other updates, the company is negotiating the sale of its Bonanza concession and has reported increased production in its Tequila Joint Venture. Exploration continues in other concessions, including Picachos IV and La Paz.
In digital assets, the AABB Wallet is awaiting launch approvals, and the AABBG Token has migrated to the Algorand blockchain. A new silver-backed token is expected to launch in February, and the company is developing an AABB Merchant Payment POS. Asia Broadband has also announced a $12 million share buyback program and a debt settlement with White Castle Capital.
Asia Broadband Inc. (OTC: AABB) ha fornito un aggiornamento aziendale dettagliato per il 2025. L'azienda ha annunciato che il suo impianto di Etzatlan dovrebbe essere operativo entro metà marzo 2025, nonostante i ritardi legati a problemi di fornitura delle attrezzature e condizioni meteorologiche avverse. L'obiettivo di produzione iniziale dell'impianto è di 350 tonnellate al giorno, con un incremento a 500 tonnellate al giorno, prevedendo ricavi netti stimati di $1,97 milioni nei primi 3 mesi e $10,43 milioni nei primi 12 mesi. Si prevede che una seconda linea di produzione inizierà a settembre 2025, generando raccolti maggiori e ricavi netti di $2,32 milioni nei primi 4 mesi e $13,93 milioni nei primi 12 mesi.
Inoltre, Asia Broadband intende installare telecamere a circuito chiuso presso l'impianto e offrire visite guidate per investitori nel secondo trimestre del 2025. L'azienda ha assunto un nuovo Geologo Qualificato per ulteriori programmi di perforazione e si aspetta un rapporto geologico certificato NI 43-101 entro febbraio. Tra gli altri aggiornamenti, l'azienda sta negoziando la vendita della sua concessione Bonanza e ha riportato un aumento della produzione nella sua Joint Venture Tequila. L'esplorazione continua in altre concessioni, tra cui Picachos IV e La Paz.
In merito agli asset digitali, il portafoglio AABB sta aspettando approvazioni per il lancio e il token AABBG è stato migrato alla blockchain Algorand. Un nuovo token sostenuto da argento dovrebbe essere lanciato a febbraio e l'azienda sta sviluppando un sistema POS per pagamenti AABB Merchant. Asia Broadband ha anche annunciato un programma di riacquisto di azioni da $12 milioni e una transazione di debito con White Castle Capital.
Asia Broadband Inc. (OTC: AABB) ha proporcionado una actualización corporativa detallada para 2025. La empresa anunció que su planta de Etzatlan se espera que esté operativa a mediados de marzo de 2025, a pesar de los retrasos debido a problemas de entrega de equipos y condiciones climáticas severas. El objetivo de producción inicial de la planta es de 350 toneladas por día, aumentando a 500 toneladas por día, con ingresos netos estimados de $1.97 millones en los primeros 3 meses y $10.43 millones en los primeros 12 meses. Se espera que una segunda línea de producción comience en septiembre de 2025, generando mayores rendimientos e ingresos netos de $2.32 millones en los primeros 4 meses y $13.93 millones en los primeros 12 meses.
Además, Asia Broadband planea instalar cámaras de video en vivo en la planta y ofrecer recorridos guiados para inversores en el segundo trimestre de 2025. La empresa ha contratado a un nuevo Geólogo Calificado para programas de perforación adicionales y espera un informe geológico certificado NI 43-101 para febrero. En otras actualizaciones, la compañía está negociando la venta de su concesión Bonanza y ha reportado un incremento en la producción de su Joint Venture Tequila. La exploración continúa en otras concesiones, incluyendo Picachos IV y La Paz.
En activos digitales, la billetera AABB está esperando aprobaciones de lanzamiento, y el Token AABBG se ha migrado a la blockchain de Algorand. Se espera que un nuevo token respaldado por plata se lance en febrero, y la empresa está desarrollando un sistema POS de pago para comerciantes AABB. Asia Broadband también ha anunciado un programa de recompra de acciones de $12 millones y un acuerdo de deuda con White Castle Capital.
아시아 브로드밴드 주식회사 (OTC: AABB)는 2025년을 위한 자세한 기업 업데이트를 제공했습니다. 회사는 에차틀란 공장이 2025년 3월 중순까지 가동될 것으로 예상하고 있으며, 이는 장비 납품 문제와 악천후로 인한 지연에도 불구하고 이루어집니다. 공장의 초기 생산 목표는 하루 350톤이며, 이를 500톤으로 늘릴 계획입니다. 첫 3개월 동안의 예상 순수익은 197만 달러, 최초 12개월 동안은 1,043만 달러입니다. 두 번째 생산 라인은 2025년 9월에 시작될 것으로 예상되며, 이는 더 높은 수익을 창출하여 처음 4개월 동안 232만 달러, 첫 12개월 동안 1,393만 달러의 순수익을 올릴 것입니다.
또한 아시아 브로드밴드는 공장에 라이브 스트리밍 비디오 카메라를 설치하고 2025년 2분기에 투자자 안내 투어를 제공할 계획입니다. 회사는 추가 드릴링 프로그램을 위해 새로운 공인 지질학자를 고용하였고, 2월까지 NI 43-101 인증 지질 보고서를 기대하고 있습니다. 다른 업데이트로는, 회사가 본란자 권리 매각을 협상 중이며, 테킬라 조인트 벤처의 생산 증가를 보고했습니다. 다른 권리에서의 탐사는 계속되고 있으며, 피카초스 IV와 라 파스를 포함하고 있습니다.
디지털 자산 부문에서 AABB 지갑은 출시 승인을 기다리고 있으며, AABBG 토큰은 알고랜드 블록체인으로 이전되었습니다. 2월에는 새로운 은으로 지원되는 토큰이 출시될 예정이며, 회사는 AABB 상점 결제 POS를 개발하고 있습니다. 아시아 브로드밴드는 또한 1,200만 달러 규모의 주식 매입 프로그램과 화이트 캐슬 캐피탈과의 부채 합의도 발표했습니다.
Asia Broadband Inc. (OTC: AABB) a fourni une mise à jour détaillée de l'entreprise pour 2025. La société a annoncé que son usine d'Etzatlan devrait être opérationnelle d'ici mi-mars 2025, malgré des retards dus à des problèmes de livraison d'équipements et à des conditions météorologiques sévères. L'objectif de production initial de l'usine est de 350 tonnes par jour, portant à 500 tonnes par jour, avec des revenus nets estimés à 1,97 million de dollars au cours des 3 premiers mois et 10,43 millions de dollars au cours des 12 premiers mois. Une deuxième ligne de production devrait commencer en septembre 2025, générant des rendements plus élevés et des revenus nets de 2,32 millions de dollars au cours des 4 premiers mois et 13,93 millions de dollars au cours des 12 premiers mois.
De plus, Asia Broadband prévoit d'installer des caméras vidéo en direct à l'usine et d'offrir des visites guidées aux investisseurs au deuxième trimestre de 2025. La société a recruté un nouveau Géologue Qualifié pour d'autres programmes de forage et s'attend à un rapport géologique certifié NI 43-101 d'ici février. Parmi les autres mises à jour, la société négocie la vente de sa concession Bonanza et a rapporté une augmentation de la production dans son coentreprise Tequila. L'exploration se poursuit dans d'autres concessions, y compris Picachos IV et La Paz.
Concernant les actifs numériques, le portefeuille AABB attend les approbations de lancement et le Token AABBG a été migré vers la blockchain Algorand. Un nouveau token soutenu par l'argent devrait être lancé en février, et la société développe un système de paiement POS AABB Merchant. Asia Broadband a également annoncé un programme de rachat d'actions de 12 millions de dollars et un règlement de dettes avec White Castle Capital.
Asia Broadband Inc. (OTC: AABB) hat ein detailliertes Unternehmensupdate für 2025 bereitgestellt. Das Unternehmen gab bekannt, dass sein Etzatlan-Werk voraussichtlich bis Mitte März 2025 in Betrieb genommen wird, trotz Verzögerungen aufgrund von Problemen bei der Geräteanlieferung und extremem Wetter. Das anfängliche Produktionsziel der Anlage liegt bei 350 Tonnen pro Tag, mit einer Steigerung auf 500 Tonnen pro Tag, wobei die geschätzten Nettoeinnahmen in den ersten 3 Monaten 1,97 Millionen US-Dollar und in den ersten 12 Monaten 10,43 Millionen US-Dollar betragen sollen. Eine zweite Produktionslinie wird voraussichtlich im September 2025 in Betrieb genommen, was höhere Erträge und Nettoeinnahmen von 2,32 Millionen Dollar in den ersten 4 Monaten und 13,93 Millionen Dollar in den ersten 12 Monaten generieren wird.
Darüber hinaus plant Asia Broadband, Live-Streaming-Videokameras in der Anlage zu installieren und im zweiten Quartal 2025 geführte Investorenführungen anzubieten. Das Unternehmen hat einen neuen qualifizierten Geologen für weitere Bohrprogramme eingestellt und erwartet bis Februar einen zertifizierten NI 43-101-Geologenbericht. In anderen Neuigkeiten verhandelt das Unternehmen über den Verkauf seiner Bonanza-Konzession und hat eine erhöhte Produktion in seinem Tequila Joint Venture gemeldet. Die Erkundung geht in anderen Konzessionen, einschließlich Picachos IV und La Paz, weiter.
Im Bereich der digitalen Vermögenswerte wartet das AABB-Wallet auf Genehmigungen zur Markteinführung, und der AABBG-Token wurde auf die Algorand-Blockchain migriert. Ein neuer durch Silber unterstützter Token wird voraussichtlich im Februar eingeführt, und das Unternehmen entwickelt ein AABB-Händler-Zahlungsterminal. Asia Broadband hat außerdem ein Aktienrückkaufprogramm in Höhe von 12 Millionen US-Dollar und einen Schuldenvergleich mit White Castle Capital angekündigt.
- Etzatlan Plant projected to start operations by mid-March 2025 with estimated net revenues of $10.43 million in the first 12 months.
- Second line of production expected to generate $13.93 million in net revenues in the first 12 months.
- Increased production levels and higher-grade recoveries reported in the Tequila Joint Venture.
- Launch of new silver-backed token and migration of AABBG Token to the Algorand blockchain.
- Share buyback program of up to $12 million to begin this month.
- Delays in Etzatlan Plant operations due to equipment delivery issues and severe weather, pushing the start date back over 12 months.
LAS VEGAS, Jan. 08, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Asia Broadband Inc. (OTC: AABB) (“AABB” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the following corporate update for the Company:
Mining Operations Update
Etzatlan Plant:
Our engineering team is expecting to have the processing plant operating by mid-March 2025. We have encountered many delays with the delivery of equipment from one of our key suppliers in China, specifically Henan Mecru Heavy Industry Co. Ltd. Additionally, severe weather and permitting issues has set our projected start date timeline back over 12 months. However, our on-site assay laboratory is fully functional and has been operating for many months now. Numerous samples from taken from our Stockpile and nearby concessions have been analyzed with very positive results.
The first line of production, which is a mineral flotation process, will be capable of producing up to 500 tons per day. The initial processing target will be 350 tons per day for the first 3 months and then gradually increase to 500 tons per day. With an average production cost of
As an industry leader in innovation and breaking away from traditional methodologies, the Company will be installing a series of Live Streaming Video cameras onsite. We believe this a first ever live stream from any mineral processing plant, giving real time access to our investors.
Also in Q2 2025, the Company expects to have guided investor tours of our processing plant.
Stockpile Agreement (Las Jimenez):
To date, 8,000 tons of strategically targeted ore has been delivered onsite to our plant in Etzatlan. Another 10,000 tons is expected to be delivered before we begin operations in March 2025. This supply will serve as a building block to start our first line of production. In January 2025, a new Qualified Person (QP) Geologist has been hired to perform additional Sonic drilling programs on the current Stockpile and on an additional estimated 2,000,000 tons of tailings dump nearby, which the Company is in negotiations to acquire from the landowners. We expect to have a complete NI 43-101 geological report certified by new QP by end of February. The report is expected to further validate the value of our Stockpile Agreement and attract a larger investor base.
Bonanza (concession #221977, 19.25 hectare):
The Company received its second Geological report NI 43-101 from MICON. After careful evaluation by our geological team, the Company has decided it would be more beneficial to focus all efforts on assets and mining concessions located nearby our Etzatlan plant. Therefore, the Company is currently in negotiations with two potential buyers and has also received a purchase offer from another buyer for the amount of
Tequila Joint Venture (concession #219165, 66.6792 hectare):
Record production has increased in the Tequila Joint Venture in 2024, which has been attributed to higher-grade recoveries, increased daily throughput levels and reduced production costs from economies of scale. The Company estimates the same production level will continue over the next year and will be focusing efforts on higher grade recoveries and possibly processing in our Etzatlan plant to obtain higher yields.
Picachos IV (concession #239735, 4,081 hectare):
The mining concession has now been registered with the Mexican mining registry. The Company is continuing to progress with its Phase 1 drill exploration program in the prolific mining region.
La Paz (concession #236301, 184 hectare):
Phase II drilling program continues with a total of 2,200 meters drilled to date. In addition, a 200-meter-deep old mining shaft has been discovered on the property. Further exploration of this mining shaft in ongoing.
Zodiac I (concession #218704, 200 hectare):
Acquired in March 2022 this mining concession located in Buen Pais has had no further exploration efforts. The Company plans to reactivate exploration in Q3 2025.
Buenavista Warehouse:
Continues to serve as the Company’s main mining operations storage and processing facility building.
Management and Employees:
The Company’s primary management team continues to be CEO Chris Torres and CFO Bernard Velez. The Etzatlan Plant is being operated by Metallurgy Operations Manager Juan Cervantes Rios. Our Geological team is led by Geologist Cesar Alexander Payeras. Currently, the Company has 18 full-time employees with plans to increase to 32 employees in March and expects to have over 40 employees at the Etzatlan plant when operating at full capacity.
Digital Assets Operations Update
AABB Wallet:
Our new next generation AABB Wallet has been completed and is waiting on certain approvals in order to be launched in the Apple Store and Google Play. This new wallet will support the ability for users to buy and sell AABBG Tokens directly from the wallet.
AABBG Token:
The Company’s unique Mine-to-Token vertical integration approach has now fully migrated its gold-backed Token from the Ethereum blockchain to the Algorand (ALGO) blockchain. AABBG.ALGO allows token holders improved transaction efficiency, lower transaction costs, and increased transparency on the Algorand blockchain. To date, the Company has sold 1,680,000 tokens and bought back 64,930. Once the new next-generation AABB Wallet is released, the Company plans to sell up to
The Company backed 5.4 million Tokens in its initial release at the price of one-tenth gram of gold. In 2021, the AABBG Token was initially sold at
New Silver-Backed Token:
Expected to be launched in February. The Company’s silver holdings to back each new token have been increasing in anticipation of the upcoming minting process.
AABB Merchant Payment POS:
Our Merchant POS will give the ability to small to large business using a hardware component to accept AABBG Tokens processed at a very high speed. Equally, this AABBG POS will be able to accept BTC Lighting payments. The backend interface will also have the ability to provide refunds and up to the minute sales reports.
Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Initiatives:
Our NFT initiatives are gaining momentum as we continue to build a strong brand and establish a name in the ever-evolving Web3 space. With crypto entering a bull market and the memecoin frenzy cooling, profits are now flowing into NFTs - leading many analysts to declare “NFTs are back”. We are driving engagement through our innovative entertainment strategy, collaborating with other Web3 projects to host weekly game nights that are both fun and community-building. Highlights include our popular Wednesday Night Poker and Thursday Night Bingo, which have become staples for our growing audience. Our gold-backed collections have expanded across four major blockchains, showcasing our versatility and reach:
-Golden Baboons on Ethereum
-Golden Rascals on Solana
-Ordinal Baboons on Bitcoin
-Baboons on ApeChain
Beyond entertainment, we remain committed to keeping our community informed and empowered. By blending Web3 education with engaging experiences, we aim to spotlight the incredible opportunities in crypto while showcasing in the unparalleled value of Asia Broadband’s Real World Assets gold mining ventures and stock investing opportunity. The dual strategy ensures shareholders remain entertained, educated, and excited- positioning us as leaders in the intersection of digital and physical asset innovation.
Share buyback program:
The Company announced on October 18, 2023 it had approved a Share Buyback Program of up to
Note Settlement:
We have reached a debt settlement with long-time note holder White Castle Capital. The terms of the settlement are that Asia Broadband will purchase the remainder of the note for a total amount of
Legal action against market makers:
The Company continues with market data collection in preparation of the legal action against market makers.
Stock Dividends:
The Company has approved and issued 2 stock dividends to date. The majority of shareholders should have received the divided shares through their brokers or investment firms. However, there have been several that are having difficulties receiving. We encourage that you contact our Transfer Agent directly regarding this issue.
“On behalf of the entire AABB team, we are excited and highly anticipate all the corporate events that will be achieved as the new year progresses. We would like to thank our shareholders and everyone following our Company for their continued support of our vision and development as we expand into the future,” expressed Chris Torres, AABB President and CEO.
About Asia Broadband
Asia Broadband Inc. (OTC: AABB) is a resource company focused on the production of precious metals and the accumulation of physical gold holdings. The Company utilizes its specific geographic expertise, experience and extensive industry contacts to facilitate the expansion of precious metals property holdings and production in Mexico. The Company's industry and business integration in Mexico and its asset diversification are unique strengths of AABB that differentiate it from other companies and creates distinctive value for shareholders. Additionally, the Company has a digital assets business segment with its AABBG mine-to-token gold-backed cryptocurrency within its own proprietary AABB Wallet and the unique Golden Baboons Mining Club and Shorts Rascal Club Non-Fungible Token (NFT) collections. AABB expects its token to become a world-wide standard of exchange that is stable, secured and trusted with gold backing, while having the added benefit of demand based price appreciation. These are unique and outstanding qualities relative to other cryptocurrencies and digital asset developers.
Contact the Company at:
General Email: | |
Token Support: | |
Company Websites: | |
Phone: | 702-866-9054 |
Forward-Looking Statements are contained in this press release within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements are based on the Asia Broadband Inc.’s (the “Company”) expected current beliefs about the Company’s business, which are subject to uncertainty and change. The operations and results of the Company could materially differ from what is expressed or implied by the statements made above when industry, regulatory, market and competitive circumstances change. Further information about these risks can be found in the annual and quarterly disclosures the Company has published on the OTC Markets website. The Company is under no obligation to update or alter its forward-looking statements as future circumstances, events and information may change.

What is the expected start date for Asia Broadband's Etzatlan Plant?
What are the projected revenues for AABB's Etzatlan Plant in its first year of operation?
When will AABB's second line of production at Etzatlan Plant begin?
What is the impact of the new silver-backed token on AABB's portfolio?
How has the migration to the Algorand blockchain affected AABB's AABBG Token?
What is the status of AABB's share buyback program?