Alcoa Issues 2023 Sustainability Report

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Alcoa (NYSE: AA, ASX: AAI) has released its 2023 Sustainability Report, highlighting progress on long-term sustainability goals. Key achievements include:

  • Maintained zero fatalities commitment
  • Increased renewable electricity use to 87%, surpassing the 85% goal for global smelting by 2025
  • Disclosed performance against Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management
  • Issued first global Modern Slavery Statement
  • Increased female workforce representation to 19.1%

The report covers areas such as health and safety, community commitment, climate change, inclusion diversity and equity, and innovation. Alcoa's efforts are guided by its core values: integrity, excellence, care for people, and courageous leadership.

Alcoa (NYSE: AA, ASX: AAI) ha pubblicato il suo Rapporto sulla Sostenibilità 2023, evidenziando i progressi verso obiettivi di sostenibilità a lungo termine. Tra i risultati chiave si annoverano:

  • Impegno a mantenere zero fatalità
  • Aumento dell'uso di elettricità rinnovabile al 87%, superando l'obiettivo dell'85% per la fusione globale entro il 2025
  • Reso noto il rendimento rispetto allo Standard Globale dell'Industria sulla Gestione dei Rifiuti
  • Emesso il primo Modern Slavery Statement globale
  • Aumento della rappresentanza femminile nella forza lavoro al 19,1%

Il rapporto tratta aree come salute e sicurezza, impegno verso la comunità, cambiamento climatico, inclusione diversità ed equità, e innovazione. Gli sforzi di Alcoa sono guidati dai suoi valori fondamentali: integrità, eccellenza, cura per le persone e leadership coraggiosa.

Alcoa (NYSE: AA, ASX: AAI) ha publicado su Informe de Sostenibilidad 2023, destacando los avances en sus objetivos de sostenibilidad a largo plazo. Los logros clave incluyen:

  • Mantener el compromiso de cero fatalidades
  • Aumentar el uso de electricidad renovable al 87%, superando el objetivo del 85% para la fundición global para 2025
  • Revelar el rendimiento según el Estándar Global de la Industria sobre Gestión de Relaves
  • Emitir la primera Declaración Global sobre Esclavitud Moderna
  • Aumentar la representación de mujeres en la fuerza laboral al 19.1%

El informe cubre áreas como salud y seguridad, compromiso con la comunidad, cambio climático, diversidad e inclusión, y innovación. Los esfuerzos de Alcoa están guiados por sus valores fundamentales: integridad, excelencia, cuidado por las personas y liderazgo valiente.

알코아 (NYSE: AA, ASX: AAI)는 2023 지속 가능성 보고서를 발표하며 장기 지속 가능성 목표에 대한 진행 상황을 강조했습니다. 주요 성과는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 제로 사망자 약속 유지
  • 재생 가능 전기 사용 비율을 87%로 증가, 2025년까지 글로벌 제련의 85% 목표 초과
  • 전 세계 산업 표준에 대한 테일링 관리 성과 공개
  • 첫 번째 글로벌 현대 노예 제도 선언 발행
  • 여성 인력 비율을 19.1%로 증가

이 보고서는 건강 및 안전, 지역 사회 의무, 기후 변화, 포용 다양성 및 공평성, 혁신과 같은 분야를 다룹니다. 알코아의 노력은 핵심 가치인 무결성, 탁월함, 사람에 대한 배려, 그리고 용기 있는 리더십에 의해 안내됩니다.

Alcoa (NYSE: AA, ASX: AAI) a publié son Rapport de Durabilité 2023, mettant en évidence les progrès réalisés vers des objectifs de durabilité à long terme. Les réalisations clés comprennent :

  • Engagement à maintenir zéro fatalité
  • Augmentation de l'utilisation d'électricité renouvelable à 87%, dépassant l'objectif de 85% pour la fusion mondiale d'ici 2025
  • Diffusion des performances selon la Norme Mondiale des Industries pour la Gestion des Résidus
  • Publication de la première Déclaration Mondiale sur l'Esclavage Moderne
  • Augmentation de la représentation des femmes dans la main-d'œuvre à 19,1%

Le rapport couvre des domaines tels que la santé et la sécurité, l'engagement envers la communauté, le changement climatique, l'inclusion, la diversité et l'équité, ainsi que l'innovation. Les efforts d'Alcoa sont guidés par ses valeurs fondamentales : intégrité, excellence, soin des personnes et leadership courageux.

Alcoa (NYSE: AA, ASX: AAI) hat seinen Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2023 veröffentlicht, der Fortschritte bei langfristigen Nachhaltigkeitszielen hervorhebt. Zu den wichtigsten Erfolgen gehören:

  • Verpflichtung zu null Todesfällen aufrechterhalten
  • Erhöhung des Anteils erneuerbarer Elektrizität auf 87%, Überschreitung des Ziels von 85% für die globale Verhüttung bis 2025
  • Leistung gemäß dem Global Industry Standard für Tailings-Management offengelegt
  • Erster globaler Bericht über moderne Sklaverei herausgegeben
  • Erhöhung des Frauenanteils in der Belegschaft auf 19,1%

Der Bericht behandelt Bereiche wie Gesundheit und Sicherheit, Engagement in der Gemeinschaft, Klimawandel, Inklusion, Vielfalt und Chancengleichheit sowie Innovation. Die Bemühungen von Alcoa werden von den grundlegenden Werten des Unternehmens geleitet: Integrität, Exzellenz, Fürsorge für Menschen und mutige Führung.

  • None.
  • None.

PITTSBURGH--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Alcoa Corporation (NYSE: AA, ASX: AAI) has issued its 2023 Sustainability Report, detailing the Company’s progress on its strategic long-term sustainability goals.

The report is available on the Sustainability section of Alcoa’s website at

“Excellence in environmental, social and governance practices and performance, particularly safety, goes hand-in-hand with operational excellence,” said Alcoa President and CEO William F. Oplinger in his letter to stakeholders. “We have ambition for this company – to expect excellence in everything we do, including our relentless focus on safety and our efforts toward achieving our sustainability targets.”

Highlights include:

  • Maintained Alcoa’s commitment to safety with zero fatalities.
  • Increased overall use of renewable electricity to 87 percent, surpassing the goal to source 85 percent of our electricity for Alcoa’s global smelting portfolio from renewable sources by 2025.
  • Disclosed performance against the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management for facilities with the highest potential consequence.
  • Issued the company’s first global Modern Slavery Statement.
  • Increased female representation in the workforce to 19.1 percent.

The 2023 Sustainability Report offers a comprehensive view of Alcoa’s efforts in key areas related to sustainability, including health and safety, commitment to local communities, climate change, inclusion diversity and equity (IDE), and innovation and technology. These efforts are underpinned by Alcoa’s Values: act with integrity, operate with excellence, care for people and lead with courage.

About Alcoa Corporation

Alcoa (NYSE: AA) is a global industry leader in bauxite, alumina and aluminum products with a vision to reinvent the aluminum industry for a sustainable future. With a values-based approach that encompasses integrity, operating excellence, care for people and courageous leadership, our purpose is to Turn Raw Potential into Real Progress. Since developing the process that made aluminum an affordable and vital part of modern life, our talented Alcoans have developed breakthrough innovations and best practices that have led to greater efficiency, safety, sustainability and stronger communities wherever we operate.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains statements that relate to future events and expectations and as such constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements include those containing such words as “aim,” “ambition,” “anticipates,” “believes,” “could,” “develop,” “endeavors,” “estimates,” “expects,” “forecasts,” “goal,” “intends,” “may,” “outlook,” “plans,” “potential,” “projects,” “reach,” “seeks,” “sees,” “should,” “targets,” “will,” “working,” “would,” or other words of similar meaning. All statements by Alcoa Corporation that reflect expectations, assumptions or projections about the future, other than statements of historical fact, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and changes in circumstances that are difficult to predict. Although Alcoa Corporation believes that the expectations reflected in any forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, it can give no assurance that these expectations will be attained, and it is possible that actual results may differ materially from those indicated by these forward-looking statements due to a variety of risks and uncertainties. Additional information concerning factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements is contained in Alcoa Corporation’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Alcoa Corporation disclaims any obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements, whether in response to new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable law.

Investor Contact:

Jim Dwyer


Media Contact:

Courtney Boone


Source: Alcoa


What are the key highlights of Alcoa's (AA) 2023 Sustainability Report?

Alcoa's 2023 Sustainability Report highlights zero fatalities, 87% renewable electricity use, disclosure on tailings management, a global Modern Slavery Statement, and increased female workforce representation to 19.1%.

How much renewable electricity does Alcoa (AA) use according to its 2023 report?

Alcoa's 2023 Sustainability Report states that the company increased its overall use of renewable electricity to 87%, surpassing its goal of 85% for global smelting by 2025.

What is Alcoa's (AA) progress on female representation in its workforce?

According to Alcoa's 2023 Sustainability Report, the company increased female representation in its workforce to 19.1%.

What safety achievement did Alcoa (AA) report in its 2023 Sustainability Report?

Alcoa reported maintaining its commitment to safety with zero fatalities in its 2023 Sustainability Report.

What new disclosure did Alcoa (AA) make in its 2023 Sustainability Report?

Alcoa disclosed its performance against the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management for facilities with the highest potential consequence in its 2023 Sustainability Report.

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