Alcoa Completes Acquisition of Alumina Limited

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Alcoa (NYSE: AA; ASX: AAI) has successfully completed its acquisition of Alumina , strengthening its position as a global leader in bauxite and alumina production. The all-stock transaction, valued at approximately $2.8 billion, gives Alcoa full ownership and control of the Alcoa World Alumina and Chemicals (AWAC) joint venture. Alumina shareholders received 0.02854 Alcoa shares for each Alumina share, primarily in the form of CDIs tradable on the ASX.

The acquisition is expected to create long-term value through increased financial and operational flexibility. Alcoa anticipates achieving synergies through simplified corporate governance and enhanced strategic optionality. The company has established a secondary listing on the ASX under the ticker 'AAI', with CDI trading set to begin on August 2, 2024.

Alcoa (NYSE: AA; ASX: AAI) ha completato con successo l'acquisizione di Alumina, rafforzando la propria posizione come leader globale nella produzione di bauxite e allumina. La transazione interamente azionaria, del valore di circa 2,8 miliardi di dollari, conferisce ad Alcoa la piena proprietà e il controllo della joint venture Alcoa World Alumina and Chemicals (AWAC). Gli azionisti di Alumina hanno ricevuto 0,02854 azioni Alcoa per ogni azione Alumina, principalmente sotto forma di CDI negoziabili sull'ASX.

L'acquisizione si prevede porterà a un valore a lungo termine attraverso una maggiore flessibilità finanziaria e operativa. Alcoa si aspetta di ottenere sinergie attraverso una governance aziendale semplificata e una maggiore opzione strategica. L'azienda ha stabilito un secondo listing sull'ASX con il ticker 'AAI', con il trading di CDI previsto per iniziare il 2 agosto 2024.

Alcoa (NYSE: AA; ASX: AAI) ha completado con éxito la adquisición de Alumina, fortaleciendo su posición como líder global en la producción de bauxita y alúmina. La transacción, que se realizó completamente en acciones y que se valora en aproximadamente 2,8 mil millones de dólares, otorga a Alcoa la propiedad y el control total de la empresa conjunta Alcoa World Alumina and Chemicals (AWAC). Los accionistas de Alumina recibieron 0.02854 acciones de Alcoa por cada acción de Alumina, principalmente en forma de CDIs negociables en la ASX.

Se espera que la adquisición cree valor a largo plazo a través de una mayor flexibilidad financiera y operativa. Alcoa prevé alcanzar sinergias mediante una gobernanza corporativa simplificada y una mayor opcionalidad estratégica. La empresa ha establecido un listado secundario en la ASX bajo el ticker 'AAI', con el comercio de CDIs programado para comenzar el 2 de agosto de 2024.

알코아(NYSE: AA; ASX: AAI)는 알루미나 인수를 성공적으로 완료하였습니다, 이를 통해 보크사이트와 알루미나 생산의 글로벌 리더로서의 입지를 강화하였습니다. 약 28억 달러의 가치가 있는 전액 주식 거래는 알코아가 Alcoa World Alumina and Chemicals (AWAC) 합작 기업에 대한 완전한 소유권과 통제를 부여합니다. 알루미나 주주들은 알루미나 주식 1주당 0.02854 알코아 주식을 받았으며, 주로 ASX에서 거래되는 CDI의 형태로 이루어졌습니다.

이번 인수는 재정적 및 운영적 유연성의 증가를 통해 장기적인 가치를 창출할 것으로 예상됩니다. 알코아는 간소화된 기업 거버넌스와 전략적 선택권의 향상을 통해 시너지를 실현할 것으로 보입니다. 회사는 'AAI'라는 티커로 ASX에서 2차 상장하였으며, CDI 거래는 2024년 8월 2일에 시작될 예정입니다.

Alcoa (NYSE: AA; ASX: AAI) a réussi à finaliser son acquisition d'Alumina, consolidant ainsi sa position de leader mondial dans la production de bauxite et d'alumine. La transaction entièrement en actions, évaluée à environ 2,8 milliards de dollars, confère à Alcoa la pleine propriété et le contrôle de la coentreprise Alcoa World Alumina and Chemicals (AWAC). Les actionnaires d'Alumina ont reçu 0,02854 actions Alcoa pour chaque action Alumina, principalement sous forme de CDI négociables sur l'ASX.

Cette acquisition devrait créer une valeur à long terme par le biais d'une augmentation de la flexibilité financière et opérationnelle. Alcoa anticipe des synergies grâce à une gouvernance d'entreprise simplifiée et une meilleure option stratégique. L'entreprise a établi une cotation secondaire sur l'ASX sous le ticker 'AAI', avec le début des échanges de CDI prévu pour le 2 août 2024.

Alcoa (NYSE: AA; ASX: AAI) hat die Übernahme von Alumina erfolgreich abgeschlossen, was die Position als globaler Marktführer in der Produktion von Bauxit und Alumina stärkt. Die gesamte Aktientransaktion, die mit ungefähr 2,8 Milliarden Dollar bewertet wird, gibt Alcoa die volle Eigentums- und Kontrollrechte an dem gemeinsamen Unternehmen Alcoa World Alumina and Chemicals (AWAC). Alumina-Aktionäre erhielten für jede Alumina-Aktie 0,02854 Alcoa-Aktien, hauptsächlich in Form von an der ASX handelbaren CDIs.

Die Übernahme wird voraussichtlich langfristigen Wert durch erhöhte finanzielle und operative Flexibilität schaffen. Alcoa erwartet, Synergien durch vereinfachte Unternehmensführung und verbesserte strategische Optionen zu erzielen. Das Unternehmen hat eine sekundäre Notierung an der ASX unter dem Ticker 'AAI' eingerichtet, wobei der Handel mit CDIs am 2. August 2024 beginnen soll.

  • Acquisition strengthens Alcoa's position as a leading global supplier of alumina
  • Full ownership and control of AWAC joint venture
  • Expected long-term value creation from greater financial and operational flexibility
  • Anticipated synergies through simplified corporate governance
  • Increased economic exposure to core bauxite and alumina business
  • None.

The acquisition of Alumina by Alcoa is a significant strategic move that reshapes the global aluminum industry landscape. This $2.8 billion all-stock transaction solidifies Alcoa's position as a leading bauxite and alumina producer, potentially yielding substantial long-term value. The deal's structure, offering 0.02854 Alcoa shares for each Alumina share, appears to be a calculated move to preserve cash while expanding market share.

From a financial perspective, the full ownership of the AWAC joint venture is a game-changer. It grants Alcoa complete control over a vast portfolio of bauxite mines and alumina refineries across multiple countries, enhancing its vertical integration and potentially improving profit margins. The anticipated synergies from simplified corporate governance could lead to cost savings, though the exact figures aren't provided.

Investors should note the new 'AAI' listing on the ASX, which could increase liquidity and broaden Alcoa's investor base. However, the true test will be in Alcoa's ability to leverage this expanded asset base to drive growth and weather market volatility in the notoriously cyclical aluminum industry.

Alcoa's acquisition of Alumina marks a significant consolidation in the global aluminum supply chain. This move is likely to have ripple effects throughout the industry, potentially altering pricing dynamics and competitive landscapes. By increasing its economic exposure to bauxite and alumina, Alcoa is doubling down on its upstream focus, which could be a shrewd move given the growing demand for aluminum in sectors like electric vehicles and renewable energy.

The transaction's timing is noteworthy, coming amidst global economic uncertainties and shifting trade dynamics. Alcoa's enhanced market position could provide a buffer against these headwinds, but it also increases its exposure to commodity price fluctuations. The company's deepened commitment to Western Australia operations is strategically important, given the region's rich bauxite reserves and established infrastructure.

For investors, this deal represents a clear signal of Alcoa's long-term strategy. The company is betting on vertical integration and scale to drive future growth, which could pay off if global aluminum demand continues to rise as projected. However, this also means increased sensitivity to factors affecting bauxite mining and alumina refining, such as environmental regulations and energy costs.

The successful completion of Alcoa's acquisition of Alumina represents a complex legal maneuver with significant implications. The all-scrip transaction structure, resulting in Alumina shareholders receiving Alcoa shares, demonstrates a carefully crafted approach to maintain regulatory compliance while achieving the desired consolidation.

Of particular interest is the use of CHESS Depositary Interests (CDIs) to facilitate trading on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). This mechanism allows for seamless cross-border ownership, enabling former Alumina shareholders to maintain their ASX listing exposure through Alcoa's new 'AAI' ticker. This approach likely required meticulous legal planning to ensure compliance with both U.S. and Australian securities regulations.

The full acquisition of the AWAC joint venture raises potential antitrust considerations, given Alcoa's enhanced market position. While the deal's completion suggests regulatory approval, investors should monitor for any post-merger scrutiny or conditions imposed by competition authorities in the various jurisdictions where AWAC operates. The simplified corporate governance structure, while promising operational benefits, will also require careful management to ensure ongoing compliance with international corporate law standards across AWAC's global operations.

Transaction Strengthens Alcoa’s Leadership in Global Market

New “AAI” CDIs Listed on ASX

PITTSBURGH--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Alcoa Corporation (NYSE: AA; ASX: AAI) (“Alcoa” or the “Company”) today announced the successful completion of its acquisition of Alumina Limited (“Alumina”). This strategic move positions Alcoa to further strengthen its market leadership as a pure play, upstream aluminum company.

“Alcoa is proud to announce the completion of our first major acquisition. The acquisition of Alumina Limited strengthens Alcoa's position as one of the world’s largest bauxite and alumina producers and is expected to result in long-term value creation from greater financial and operational flexibility,” said William F. Oplinger, Alcoa’s President and CEO. “I want to thank both the Alcoa and Alumina Limited teams, and our advisors, for full cooperation and diligence in closing this transformational transaction on a very tight schedule.”

With Alcoa’s acquisition of Alumina, the Alcoa World Alumina and Chemicals (AWAC) joint venture is now fully owned and controlled by Alcoa. Alcoa previously held a 60 percent ownership interest in AWAC. AWAC consists of a number of affiliated entities that own, operate or have an interest in bauxite mines and alumina refineries in Australia, Brazil, Spain, Saudi Arabia and Guinea. AWAC also has a 55 percent interest in an aluminum smelter in Victoria, Australia.

Alcoa completed the acquisition of all ordinary shares of Alumina, through a wholly owned subsidiary, AAC Investments Australia 2 Pty Ltd. Under the all-scrip, or all-stock, transaction, Alumina shareholders received consideration of 0.02854 Alcoa shares for each Alumina share. Based on Alcoa’s closing share price as of July 26, 2024, the consideration implies an equity value of approximately $2.8 billion for Alumina.

Alumina shareholders’ interests in Alcoa shares are generally in the form of Clearing House Electronic Sub-register System (“CHESS”) Depositary Interests (“CDIs”) that represent a unit of beneficial ownership in a share of Alcoa common stock, which allows Alumina shareholders to trade Alcoa common stock via CDIs on the Australian Stock Exchange (“ASX”). Alcoa has established a secondary listing on the ASX with the ticker of “AAI.” The CDIs will begin trading on the ASX on a normal basis on August 2, 2024.

Key Benefits of the Acquisition

Market Leadership: The combined entity solidifies Alcoa's position as a leading global supplier of alumina, enhancing its competitive edge in key markets. The acquisition increases Alcoa’s economic exposure to its core, tier-1 bauxite and alumina business, and provides Alumina shareholders with exposure to Alcoa’s global aluminum business.

Operational Efficiency: By integrating Alumina's interests, Alcoa anticipates achieving synergies through simplified corporate governance, resulting in greater operational flexibility and strategic optionality.

Commitment to Western Australia: Alcoa operations in Western Australia are a key component of the Company’s portfolio, and this acquisition deepens that commitment.

About Alcoa Corporation

Alcoa (NYSE: AA; ASX: AAI) is a global industry leader in bauxite, alumina and aluminum products with a vision to reinvent the aluminum industry for a sustainable future. With a values-based approach that encompasses integrity, operating excellence, care for people and courageous leadership, our purpose is to Turn Raw Potential into Real Progress. Since developing the process that made aluminum an affordable and vital part of modern life, our talented Alcoans have developed breakthrough innovations and best practices that have led to greater efficiency, safety, sustainability and stronger communities wherever we operate.

Cautionary Statement on Forward-Looking Statements

This news release contains statements that relate to future events and expectations and as such constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements include those containing such words as “aims,” “ambition,” “anticipates,” “believes,” “could,” “develop,” “endeavors,” “estimates,” “expects,” “forecasts,” “goal,” “intends,” “may,” “outlook,” “potential,” “plans,” “projects,” “reach,” “seeks,” “sees,” “should,” “strive,” “targets,” “will,” “working,” “would,” or other words of similar meaning. All statements by Alcoa that reflect expectations, assumptions or projections about the future, other than statements of historical fact, are forward-looking statements, including, without limitation, statements regarding forecasts concerning global demand growth for bauxite, alumina, and aluminum, and supply/demand balances; statements, projections or forecasts of future or targeted financial results, or operating performance (including our ability to execute on strategies related to environmental, social and governance matters); statements about strategies, outlook, and business and financial prospects; and statements about capital allocation and return of capital. These statements reflect beliefs and assumptions that are based on Alcoa’s perception of historical trends, current conditions, and expected future developments, as well as other factors that management believes are appropriate in the circumstances.

Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and changes in circumstances that are difficult to predict. Although Alcoa Corporation believes that the expectations reflected in any forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, it can give no assurance that these expectations will be attained and it is possible that actual results may differ materially from those indicated by these forward-looking statements due to a variety of risks and uncertainties. Such risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to: (1) the impact of global economic conditions on the aluminum industry and aluminum end-use markets; (2) volatility and declines in aluminum and alumina demand and pricing, including global, regional, and product-specific prices, or significant changes in production costs which are linked to London Metal Exchange (LME) or other commodities; (3) the disruption of market-driven balancing of global aluminum supply and demand by non-market forces; (4) competitive and complex conditions in global markets; (5) our ability to obtain, maintain, or renew permits or approvals necessary for our mining operations; (6) rising energy costs and interruptions or uncertainty in energy supplies; (7) unfavorable changes in the cost, quality, or availability of raw materials or other key inputs, or by disruptions in the supply chain; (8) our ability to execute on our strategy to be a lower cost, competitive, and integrated aluminum production business and to realize the anticipated benefits from announced plans, programs, initiatives relating to our portfolio, capital investments, and developing technologies; (9) our ability to integrate and achieve intended results from joint ventures, other strategic alliances, and strategic business transactions; (10) economic, political, and social conditions, including the impact of trade policies and adverse industry publicity; (11) fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates and interest rates, inflation and other economic factors in the countries in which we operate; (12) changes in tax laws or exposure to additional tax liabilities; (13) global competition within and beyond the aluminum industry; (14) our ability to obtain or maintain adequate insurance coverage; (15) disruptions in the global economy caused by ongoing regional conflicts; (16) legal proceedings, investigations, or changes in foreign and/or U.S. federal, state, or local laws, regulations, or policies; (17) climate change, climate change legislation or regulations, and efforts to reduce emissions and build operational resilience to extreme weather conditions; (18) our ability to achieve our strategies or expectations relating to environmental, social, and governance considerations; (19) claims, costs, and liabilities related to health, safety and environmental laws, regulations, and other requirements in the jurisdictions in which we operate; (20) liabilities resulting from impoundment structures, which could impact the environment or cause exposure to hazardous substances or other damage; (21) our ability to fund capital expenditures; (22) deterioration in our credit profile or increases in interest rates; (23) restrictions on our current and future operations due to our indebtedness; (24) our ability to continue to return capital to our stockholders through the payment of cash dividends and/or the repurchase of our common stock; (25) cyber attacks, security breaches, system failures, software or application vulnerabilities, or other cyber incidents; (26) labor market conditions, union disputes and other employee relations issues; (27) a decline in the liability discount rate or lower-than-expected investment returns on pension assets; and (28) the other risk factors discussed in Alcoa’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023 and other reports filed by Alcoa with the SEC, including those described in this report. Alcoa cautions readers not to place undue reliance upon any such forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date they are made. Alcoa disclaims any obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements, whether in response to new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable law. Market projections are subject to the risks described above and other risks in the market. Neither Alcoa nor any other person assumes responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of any of these forward-looking statements and none of the information contained herein should be regarded as a representation that the forward-looking statements contained herein will be achieved.

Investor Contact:

Jim Dwyer


Media Contact:

Courtney Boone


Source: Alcoa


What is the value of Alcoa's acquisition of Alumina ?

Based on Alcoa's closing share price as of July 26, 2024, the all-stock transaction implies an equity value of approximately $2.8 billion for Alumina

How many Alcoa shares did Alumina shareholders receive in the acquisition?

Alumina shareholders received 0.02854 Alcoa shares for each Alumina share in the all-stock transaction.

When will Alcoa's CDIs begin trading on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX)?

Alcoa's CDIs, under the ticker 'AAI', will begin trading on the ASX on a normal basis on August 2, 2024.

What is Alcoa's new ownership stake in the AWAC joint venture after the acquisition?

Following the acquisition of Alumina , Alcoa now fully owns and controls the Alcoa World Alumina and Chemicals (AWAC) joint venture, up from its previous 60 percent ownership interest.

Alcoa Corporation


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