Alcoa Announces Long-Term Alumina Supply Contract Extension with Aluminium Bahrain

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Alcoa (NYSE: AA; ASX: AAI) has announced a long-term alumina supply contract extension with Aluminium Bahrain B.S.C. (Alba). The agreement, set to run from 2026 to 2035, allows Alba to procure up to 16.5 million tonnes of smelter grade alumina, primarily from Western Australia. This extension makes Alcoa Alba's largest third-party supplier of alumina.

Alcoa's President & CEO, William F. Oplinger, highlighted that this contract strengthens Alcoa's position as the premier global alumina supplier while providing strategic support to one of the world's largest aluminum producers. The agreement aligns with Alcoa's strategy to be a supplier of choice for long-term supply stability and supports the company's flexibility in managing its alumina position.

Alba's CEO, Ali Al Baqali, emphasized that the partnership with Alcoa reinforces their commitment to sustainability and mutual growth, while securing a steady alumina supply for their operations.

Alcoa (NYSE: AA; ASX: AAI) ha annunciato un'estensione di contratto a lungo termine per la fornitura di allumina con Aluminium Bahrain B.S.C. (Alba). L'accordo, che avrà validità dal 2026 al 2035, consente ad Alba di procurarsi fino a 16,5 milioni di tonnellate di allumina di grado fusione, principalmente dall'Australia Occidentale. Questa estensione rende Alcoa il più grande fornitore terzo di allumina di Alba.

Il Presidente e CEO di Alcoa, William F. Oplinger, ha sottolineato che questo contratto rafforza la posizione di Alcoa come il principale fornitore globale di allumina, offrendo supporto strategico a uno dei più grandi produttori di alluminio al mondo. L'accordo è in linea con la strategia di Alcoa di essere il fornitore preferito per la stabilità della fornitura a lungo termine e supporta la flessibilità dell'azienda nella gestione della sua posizione in allumina.

Il CEO di Alba, Ali Al Baqali, ha enfatizzato che la partnership con Alcoa rafforza il loro impegno per la sostenibilità e la crescita reciproca, garantendo al contempo una fornitura costante di allumina per le loro operazioni.

Alcoa (NYSE: AA; ASX: AAI) ha anunciado una prórroga de contrato a largo plazo para el suministro de alúmina con Aluminium Bahrain B.S.C. (Alba). El acuerdo, que estará vigente desde 2026 hasta 2035, permite a Alba adquirir hasta 16,5 millones de toneladas de alúmina de grado fundición, principalmente de Australia Occidental. Esta extensión convierte a Alcoa en el mayor proveedor externo de alúmina de Alba.

El Presidente y CEO de Alcoa, William F. Oplinger, destacó que este contrato refuerza la posición de Alcoa como el principal proveedor global de alúmina, al tiempo que proporciona apoyo estratégico a uno de los mayores productores de aluminio del mundo. El acuerdo está alineado con la estrategia de Alcoa de ser el proveedor preferido para la estabilidad del suministro a largo plazo y apoya la flexibilidad de la empresa en la gestión de su posición de alúmina.

El CEO de Alba, Ali Al Baqali, enfatizó que la asociación con Alcoa refuerza su compromiso con la sostenibilidad y el crecimiento mutuo, al tiempo que asegura un suministro constante de alúmina para sus operaciones.

알코아 (NYSE: AA; ASX: AAI)는 알루미늄 바레인 B.S.C. (Alba)와 장기 알루미나 공급 계약 연장을 발표했습니다. 이 계약은 2026년부터 2035년까지 유효하며, Alba는 주로 서호주에서 최대 1,650만 톤의 용융 등급 알루미나를 조달할 수 있습니다. 이번 연장으로 Alcoa는 Alba의 가장 큰 제3자 알루미나 공급업체가 되었습니다.

알코아의 회장 겸 CEO인 윌리엄 F. 오플린거는 이번 계약이 알코아의 최고 글로벌 알루미나 공급업체로서의 입지를 강화하고, 세계 최대의 알루미늄 생산자 중 하나에 전략적 지원을 제공한다고 강조했습니다. 이번 계약은 알코아의 장기적인 공급 안정성 확보를 위한 공급업체로서의 전략과 일치하며, 알루미나 포지션 관리를 위한 회사의 유연성을 지원합니다.

Alba의 CEO인 알리 알 바qali는 알코아와의 파트너십이 지속 가능성과 상호 성장을 위한 그들의 의지를 강화하며, 운영을 위한 안정적인 알루미나 공급을 보장한다고 강조했습니다.

Alcoa (NYSE: AA; ASX: AAI) a annoncé une extension de contrat à long terme pour la fourniture d'alumine avec Aluminium Bahrain B.S.C. (Alba). L’accord, valable de 2026 à 2035, permet à Alba de se procurer jusqu'à 16,5 millions de tonnes d'alumine de qualité fonderie, principalement d'Australie Occidentale. Cette extension fait d'Alcoa le plus grand fournisseur tiers d'alumine d'Alba.

William F. Oplinger, Président et CEO d'Alcoa, a souligné que ce contrat renforce la position d'Alcoa en tant que principale fournisseur mondiale d'alumine, tout en apportant un soutien stratégique à l'un des plus grands producteurs d'aluminium au monde. L'accord s'inscrit dans la stratégie d'Alcoa de devenir le fournisseur privilégié pour une stabilité d'approvisionnement à long terme et soutient la flexibilité de l'entreprise dans la gestion de sa position en alumine.

Le CEO d'Alba, Ali Al Baqali, a souligné que le partenariat avec Alcoa renforce leur engagement envers la durabilité et la croissance mutuelle, tout en garantissant un approvisionnement constant en alumine pour leurs opérations.

Alcoa (NYSE: AA; ASX: AAI) hat eine Verlängerung des langfristigen Aluminiumversorgungskontraktes mit Aluminium Bahrain B.S.C. (Alba) bekannt gegeben. Die Vereinbarung, die von 2026 bis 2035 läuft, ermöglicht es Alba, bis zu 16,5 Millionen Tonnen Schmelzgrade-Alumina insbesondere aus Westaustralien zu beziehen. Diese Verlängerung macht Alcoa zu Albas größtem Drittanbieter von Alumina.

William F. Oplinger, Präsident und CEO von Alcoa, betonte, dass dieser Vertrag Alcoas Position als führender globaler Alumina-Anbieter stärkt und gleichzeitig strategische Unterstützung für einen der größten Aluminiumproduzenten der Welt bietet. Die Vereinbarung entspricht Alcoas Strategie, der bevorzugte Anbieter für langfristige Versorgungssicherheit zu sein, und unterstützt die Flexibilität des Unternehmens im Umgang mit seiner Alumina-Position.

Albas CEO, Ali Al Baqali, hob hervor, dass die Partnerschaft mit Alcoa ihr Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit und gegenseitiges Wachstum stärkt und gleichzeitig eine stetige Alumina-Versorgung für ihre Betriebe sichert.

  • Secured a 10-year contract to supply up to 16.5 million tonnes of alumina
  • Became Alba's largest third-party supplier of alumina
  • Strengthened position as a premier global alumina supplier
  • Enhanced long-term supply stability and flexibility in managing alumina position
  • None.


This long-term supply contract extension between Alcoa and Aluminium Bahrain (Alba) is a significant development for Alcoa's business strategy and financial outlook. The agreement to supply up to 16.5 million tonnes of smelter grade alumina over 10 years provides Alcoa with a stable revenue stream and strengthens its market position as a premier global alumina supplier.

The contract, commencing in 2026 and running through 2035, offers Alcoa improved visibility on future cash flows and helps mitigate market volatility risks. By securing Alba as a long-term customer, Alcoa enhances its competitive advantage in the alumina market and potentially improves its bargaining power with other clients.

From an investor's perspective, this deal demonstrates Alcoa's ability to maintain and expand key customer relationships, which is important for long-term stability in the cyclical metals industry. The agreement also aligns with Alcoa's strategy to optimize its alumina position, potentially leading to improved operational efficiency and profitability.

While the financial terms are not disclosed, the sheer volume of the contract suggests it will have a material positive impact on Alcoa's future revenues and earnings. Investors should view this as a positive development that reinforces Alcoa's market leadership and provides a solid foundation for future growth.

This contract extension between Alcoa and Alba is a significant indicator of the dynamics in the global alumina and aluminum markets. By securing a long-term supply agreement, both companies are positioning themselves strategically in anticipation of future market trends.

The deal reflects confidence in sustained demand for aluminum, particularly in regions served by Alba. It also suggests that both parties expect alumina prices to remain stable or potentially increase over the next decade, making this a mutually beneficial arrangement.

For Alcoa, becoming Alba's largest third-party supplier of alumina strengthens its market share and could potentially lead to increased pricing power. This agreement may also signal Alcoa's expectations of continued strong production from its Western Australian operations.

Investors should note that this type of long-term contract can act as a hedge against market volatility, providing a steady revenue stream for Alcoa. However, it's also important to consider the potential downside if market prices significantly exceed the agreed-upon contract prices during the term.

Overall, this deal underscores the importance of vertical integration and supply chain security in the aluminum industry, a trend that is likely to continue as companies seek to mitigate risks associated with geopolitical uncertainties and potential supply disruptions.

PITTSBURGH--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Alcoa Corporation (NYSE: AA; ASX: AAI) today announced an agreement to supply up to 16.5 million tonnes of smelter grade alumina to Aluminium Bahrain B.S.C. (Alba) over 10 years.

Over the life of the agreement, which commences in 2026 and will run through 2035, volume options will allow Alba to procure as much as 16.5 million metric tons of alumina, primarily from Western Australia. This contract extension recognizes the long-term relationship between Alcoa and Alba and will make Alcoa Alba’s largest third-party supplier of alumina.

"By securing this contract extension with Alba, Alcoa further strengthens its position as the premier global alumina supplier, while continuing to provide strategic support to one of the world’s largest aluminum producers," said William F. Oplinger, Alcoa's President & CEO. "This agreement is Alcoa’s largest contract with Alba, a relationship we are pleased to continue as we deliver long-term value to our customers."

This contract extension aligns with Alcoa’s strategy to be a supplier of choice for long-term supply stability by providing Alba with a reliable source of alumina through the next decade, as well as supporting Alcoa’s flexibility to manage its alumina position.

Alba's CEO, Ali Al Baqali, emphasized the significance of this contract extension, stating: “Our long-standing partnership with Alcoa is a testament to our shared commitment to sustainability and mutual growth. This agreement not only guarantees a steady supply of alumina for our operations but also reinforces our position as a key player in the global aluminium market.”

About Alcoa Corporation

Alcoa (NYSE: AA, ASX: AAI) is a global industry leader in bauxite, alumina and aluminum products with a vision to reinvent the aluminum industry for a sustainable future. With a values-based approach that encompasses integrity, operating excellence, care for people and courageous leadership, our purpose is to Turn Raw Potential into Real Progress. Since developing the process that made aluminum an affordable and vital part of modern life, our talented Alcoans have developed breakthrough innovations and best practices that have led to greater efficiency, safety, sustainability and stronger communities wherever we operate.

About Aluminium Bahrain B.S.C. (Alba)

Aluminium Bahrain B.S.C. (Alba) is one of the largest aluminum smelters in the world, based in the Kingdom of Bahrain. With a production capacity exceeding 1.6 million metric tons annually, Alba plays a crucial role in the global aluminum market, supplying high-quality aluminum to industries worldwide.

Investor Contact:

Yolande Doctor


Media Contact:

Courtney Boone


Source: Alcoa


What is the duration of Alcoa's new alumina supply contract with Alba?

Alcoa's new alumina supply contract with Alba runs for 10 years, from 2026 through 2035.

How much alumina will Alcoa (AA) supply to Alba under the new contract?

Under the new contract, Alcoa (AA) will supply up to 16.5 million tonnes of smelter grade alumina to Alba over the 10-year period.

Where will the alumina supplied by Alcoa (AA) primarily come from?

The alumina supplied by Alcoa (AA) to Alba will primarily come from Western Australia.

How does this contract extension affect Alcoa's (AA) position as an alumina supplier?

This contract extension strengthens Alcoa's (AA) position as the premier global alumina supplier and makes it Alba's largest third-party supplier of alumina.

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