Alcoa and IGNIS EQT Progress Toward Strategic Agreement to Support Future of Alcoa San Ciprián Operations

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Alcoa and IGNIS EQT are progressing toward a strategic cooperation agreement to support Alcoa's San Ciprián operations. The proposed partnership involves Alcoa contributing €75 million and IGNIS EQT investing €25 million initially. Alcoa would retain 75% ownership and continue as managing operator, while IGNIS EQT would hold 25% ownership. Up to €100 million additional funding from Alcoa may be provided as needed.

The partnership aims to leverage Alcoa's expertise in aluminum operations and IGNIS EQT's knowledge of energy markets. Key conditions include stakeholder cooperation, increased CO2 compensation support, permitting for power generation projects, and flexibility in the current smelter Viability Agreement. This strategic move comes after Alcoa's unsuccessful attempts to sell 100% of the San Ciprián operations due to challenging economic conditions, primarily high energy costs.

Alcoa e IGNIS EQT stanno procedendo verso un accordo di cooperazione strategica per supportare le operazioni di Alcoa a San Ciprián. La partnership proposta prevede che Alcoa contribuisca con 75 milioni di euro e IGNIS EQT investa inizialmente 25 milioni di euro. Alcoa manterrà il 75% della proprietà e continuerà a operare come gestore, mentre IGNIS EQT deterrà il 25% della proprietà. Fino a 100 milioni di euro di finanziamenti aggiuntivi da parte di Alcoa potranno essere forniti secondo necessità.

La partnership mira a sfruttare l'esperienza di Alcoa nelle operazioni di alluminio e la conoscenza dei mercati energetici di IGNIS EQT. Le condizioni chiave includono la cooperazione degli stakeholder, un maggiore supporto per la compensazione della CO2, i permessi per i progetti di generazione di energia e la flessibilità nell'attuale Accordo di Viabilità della fonderia. Questa mossa strategica arriva dopo che Alcoa ha tentato senza successo di vendere il 100% delle operazioni di San Ciprián a causa delle difficili condizioni economiche, principalmente dei costi energetici elevati.

Alcoa e IGNIS EQT están avanzando hacia un acuerdo de cooperación estratégica para apoyar las operaciones de Alcoa en San Ciprián. La asociación propuesta involucra que Alcoa aporte 75 millones de euros y IGNIS EQT invierta inicialmente 25 millones de euros. Alcoa mantendrá el 75% de la propiedad y continuará como operador de gestión, mientras que IGNIS EQT tendrá el 25% de la propiedad. Hasta 100 millones de euros en financiación adicional por parte de Alcoa podrán ser proporcionados según sea necesario.

La asociación tiene como objetivo aprovechar la experiencia de Alcoa en operaciones de aluminio y el conocimiento de IGNIS EQT en los mercados energéticos. Las condiciones clave incluyen la cooperación de las partes interesadas, un mayor apoyo a la compensación de CO2, permisos para proyectos de generación de energía y flexibilidad en el actual Acuerdo de Viabilidad de la fundición. Este movimiento estratégico se produce después de que Alcoa intentara sin éxito vender el 100% de las operaciones de San Ciprián debido a las difíciles condiciones económicas, principalmente los altos costos de energía.

알코아(Alcoa)와 IGNIS EQT는 알코아의 산 시프리안(San Ciprián) 운영을 지원하기 위한 전략적 협력 계약을 진행하고 있습니다. 제안된 파트너십은 알코아가 7천5백만 유로를 기여하고 IGNIS EQT가 처음에 2천5백만 유로를 투자하는 것을 포함합니다. 알코아는 75%의 소유권을 유지하고 운영자로 계속 활동하며, IGNIS EQT는 25%의 소유권을 보유하게 됩니다. 필요에 따라 알코아로부터 최대 1억 유로의 추가 자금 지원이 제공될 수 있습니다.

이 파트너십의 목표는 알코아의 알루미늄 운영에 대한 전문성과 IGNIS EQT의 에너지 시장에 대한 지식을 활용하는 것입니다. 주요 조건으로는 이해관계자의 협력, CO2 보상 지원 증가, 발전 프로젝트 허가 및 현재의 제련소 생존 가능성 계약에서의 유연성이 포함됩니다. 이러한 전략적 움직임은 알코아가 높은 에너지 비용이라는 어려운 경제적 여건으로 인해 산 시프리안 운영의 100%를 판매하려 했으나 실패한 후에 이루어졌습니다.

Alcoa et IGNIS EQT avancent vers un accord de coopération stratégique pour soutenir les opérations d'Alcoa à San Ciprián. Le partenariat proposé implique que Alcoa contribue à hauteur de 75 millions d'euros et IGNIS EQT investisse initialement 25 millions d'euros. Alcoa conservera 75% de la propriété et continuera en tant qu'opérateur de gestion, tandis qu'IGNIS EQT détiendra 25% de la propriété. Jusqu'à 100 millions d'euros de financements supplémentaires d'Alcoa pourraient être fournis au besoin.

Le partenariat vise à tirer parti de l'expertise d'Alcoa dans les opérations en aluminium et des connaissances d'IGNIS EQT sur les marchés de l'énergie. Les conditions clés incluent la coopération des parties prenantes, un soutien accru à la compensation de CO2, les permis pour les projets de production d'énergie et la flexibilité dans l'accord de viabilité actuel de la fonderie. Ce mouvement stratégique intervient après qu'Alcoa a tenté sans succès de vendre 100% des opérations de San Ciprián en raison de conditions économiques difficiles, principalement des coûts énergétiques élevés.

Alcoa und IGNIS EQT arbeiten an einer strategischen Kooperationsvereinbarung zur Unterstützung der Alcoa-Betriebe in San Ciprián. Die vorgeschlagene Partnerschaft sieht vor, dass Alcoa 75 Millionen Euro beiträgt und IGNIS EQT zunächst 25 Millionen Euro investiert. Alcoa wird 75% des Eigentums behalten und weiterhin als Betriebsführer fungieren, während IGNIS EQT 25% des Eigentums halten wird. Zusätzlich könnten bis zu 100 Millionen Euro an Mitteln von Alcoa nach Bedarf bereitgestellt werden.

Die Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, Alcoas Fachwissen in der Aluminiumverarbeitung und IGNIS EQTs Kenntnis der Energiemärkte zu nutzen. Zu den wichtigen Bedingungen gehören die Zusammenarbeit der Beteiligten, Unterstützung zur Erhöhung der CO2-Kompensation, Genehmigungen für Energieerzeugungsprojekte und Flexibilität im aktuellen Überlebensfähigkeitsvertrag für die Schmiede. Dieser strategische Schritt erfolgt nach Alcoas erfolglosen Versuchen, 100% seiner San Ciprián-Betriebe aufgrund herausfordernder wirtschaftlicher Bedingungen, insbesondere hoher Energiekosten, zu verkaufen.

  • Potential €100 million strategic partnership to support San Ciprián operations
  • Leveraging IGNIS EQT's energy market expertise to potentially reduce operating costs
  • Alcoa retains 75% ownership and management control of San Ciprián operations
  • Possibility of additional funding with priority position in future cash returns for Alcoa
  • San Ciprián operations facing challenging economic environment due to high energy costs
  • No viable bids received for 100% sale of San Ciprián operations
  • Agreement conditional on stakeholder cooperation and government support
  • Potential need for additional funding beyond initial €100 million investment


This strategic partnership between Alcoa and IGNIS EQT represents a significant development for Alcoa's San Ciprián operations. The proposed €75 million contribution from Alcoa and €25 million initial investment from IGNIS EQT demonstrate a substantial financial commitment to revitalize the struggling facility.

Key points to consider:

  • Alcoa retains 75% ownership and operational control, while gaining IGNIS EQT's energy market expertise.
  • The additional €100 million funding commitment from Alcoa provides a safety net for future operational needs.
  • The partnership addresses the critical issue of high energy costs, which has been the primary challenge for San Ciprián's profitability.
  • Conditional stakeholder support, including government assistance and employee flexibility, will be important for success.

While this agreement shows promise in improving San Ciprián's viability, investors should monitor the fulfillment of stakeholder conditions and the partnership's ability to effectively reduce energy costs. The impact on Alcoa's overall financial performance may be in the short term but could lead to improved profitability in the Spanish operations if successful.

Agreement Would Leverage Experience of Both Leaders and Cooperation from Key Stakeholders

PITTSBURGH--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Today, Alcoa Corporation (NYSE: AA, ASX: AAI) and IGNIS Equity Holdings, SL (IGNIS EQT), the majority shareholder in the IGNIS Group of Companies, a vertically integrated energy company based in Spain, announced that they are progressing toward entering into a strategic cooperation agreement (the “partnership”) to support the continued operation of Alcoa’s San Ciprián operations.

Under the proposed agreement, Alcoa would contribute €75 million, and IGNIS EQT would make an initial investment of €25 million to fund the operations. Alcoa would continue as the managing operator of the San Ciprián operations, with IGNIS EQT holding 25 percent ownership. Additionally, up to €100 million would be funded by Alcoa as needed for operations with a priority position in future cash returns. If further funding is required, both partners must agree and the funding would be shared 75 percent by Alcoa and 25 percent by IGNIS EQT.

Alcoa has operated San Ciprián for a number of years in a challenging economic environment, primarily due to the high cost of energy. Earlier in 2024, Alcoa launched a robust sale process while also working to identify solutions for the long-term viability of the operations.

Despite sharing information with 60 potential investors, no viable bid was made for 100 percent of the San Ciprián operations. The potential partnership with IGNIS EQT emerged as an alternative for San Ciprián in which Alcoa can leverage its expertise in managing global aluminum operations, combined with IGNIS EQT’s strong knowledge of energy markets, to create value via market access and energy management services.

The proposed agreement is conditional upon delivery of key areas of cooperation with San Ciprián’s stakeholders, including the Spanish National Government, the Xunta de Galicia, and San Ciprián employees and Works Councils. Key areas include:

  • Materially higher CO2 compensation support;
  • Permitting of power generation projects, especially those with existing agreements with San Ciprián;
  • Support and approval for the residue storage area (RSA) capital project; and
  • Flexibility within the current smelter Viability Agreement, including access to restricted cash for operating needs and deferral or substitution of capital project commitments.

“By partnering with IGNIS EQT, we will leverage our experience and expertise, and, along with the necessary cooperation from stakeholders, improve the long-term outlook for San Ciprián,” said Alcoa President and CEO William F. Oplinger.

Antonio Sieira, CEO of IGNIS EQT, stated: “We are delighted to work with Alcoa and to progress this strategic partnership. This agreement would allow for a viable solution for the San Ciprián plant and its workers. Alcoa is a world leader in the aluminum sector that operates with the best production standards. IGNIS is a leading provider of energy solutions for the decarbonization of industrial facilities and an experienced renewable energy project developer. In addition, this is a step forward in the application of public decarbonization policies promoted by Europe and the Government, which translates into a real benefit for the industrial sector.”

Alcoa and IGNIS EQT will now focus on progressing the partnership to support the future of the San Ciprián operations.


About Alcoa Corporation

Alcoa (NYSE: AA, ASX: AAI) is a global industry leader in bauxite, alumina and aluminum products with a vision to reinvent the aluminum industry for a sustainable future. With a values-based approach that encompasses integrity, operating excellence, care for people and courageous leadership, our purpose is to Turn Raw Potential into Real Progress. Since developing the process that made aluminum an affordable and vital part of modern life, our talented Alcoans have developed breakthrough innovations and best practices that have led to greater efficiency, safety, sustainability and stronger communities wherever we operate.


IGNIS EQT is a company 100% owned by Mr. Antonio Sieira, and the majority shareholder in the IGNIS Group of Companies, a vertically integrated energy company based in Spain. Since its creation in 2015, IGNIS promotes the development of a portfolio of more than 20 GW of renewable projects in Europe, USA, Latin America and Asia. Currently, IGNIS manages an operational portfolio of 7 GW of generation technologies and offers customized and innovative energy solutions to industry, SMEs and end-consumers.

Dissemination of Company Information

Alcoa intends to make future announcements regarding company developments and financial performance through its website, , as well as through press releases, filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, conference calls and webcasts.

Cautionary Statement on Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains statements that relate to future events and expectations about the proposed partnership, including but not limited to, the terms of the proposed agreement and partnership, expected investments in the San Ciprián operations, the positions of stakeholders, the access of the San Ciprián operations to economically viable energy solutions, and the long-term outlook of the aluminum industry, and as such constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements include those containing such words as “aim,” “ambition,” “anticipates,” “believes,” “could,” “develop,” “endeavors,” “estimates,” “expects,” “forecasts,” “goal,” “intends,” “may,” “outlook,” “plans,” “potential,” “projects,” “reach,” “seeks,” “sees,” “should,” “targets,” “will,” “working,” “would,” or other words of similar meaning. All statements by Alcoa that reflect expectations, assumptions or projections about the future, other than statements of historical fact, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and changes in circumstances that are difficult to predict. Although Alcoa believes that the expectations reflected in any forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, it can give no assurance that these expectations will be attained, and it is possible that actual results may differ materially from those indicated by these forward-looking statements due to a variety of risks and uncertainties. Additional information concerning factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements is contained in Alcoa’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Alcoa disclaims any obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements, whether in response to new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable law.

Alcoa Investor Contact:

Yolande Doctor


Alcoa Media Contacts:


Courtney Boone



Raquel Gonzalez Redondo

(+34)611 57 31 55


Inés Aparicio Hurtado

Source: Alcoa


What is the proposed investment structure for Alcoa's San Ciprián operations?

Alcoa (AA) would contribute €75 million and retain 75% ownership, while IGNIS EQT would invest €25 million for 25% ownership. Alcoa may provide up to €100 million additional funding as needed.

Why is Alcoa seeking a partnership for its San Ciprián operations?

Alcoa (AA) is seeking a partnership due to challenging economic conditions, primarily high energy costs, and the inability to find a buyer for 100% of the operations despite a robust sale process.

What are the key conditions for the Alcoa-IGNIS EQT partnership agreement?

Key conditions include increased CO2 compensation support, permitting for power generation projects, support for the residue storage area project, and flexibility in the current smelter Viability Agreement.

How does the partnership aim to improve San Ciprián's operations?

The partnership aims to combine Alcoa's (AA) expertise in aluminum operations with IGNIS EQT's knowledge of energy markets to create value through market access and energy management services.

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