iQIYI's 'To the Wonder' Selected for CANNESERIES, Marking the First C-Drama in Long Form Competition

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iQIYI's Chinese series 'To the Wonder' selected for CANNESERIES, a milestone for Chinese language dramas, highlighting global recognition and quality content creation.
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BEIJING, March 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- On March 12, the iQIYI original Chinese series To the Wonder was announced by the CANNESERIES (The Cannes International Series Festival), as part of this year's Official Selection for Long Form Competition. This marks the first Chinese language long-form drama series to be selected in this competition since its launch in 2018. To the Wonder is set for its world premiere in Cannes on April 7, where it will vie for five major awards against seven other international series.

The nominated mini-series is an adaptation of the award-winning essay collection My Altay by Juan LI, a renowned Chinese essayist. Set in Xinjiang's pristine Altay region, the 8-episode series offers a fresh narrative and sensory experience, blending light comedy with Li's literary aesthetics to explore themes of nature reverence, self-discovery, and the simple yet resilient spirit of the northern Xinjiang herders.

Produced by iQIYI, co-produced by RUYI FILM and THE CITY FILM, the series boasts a top-notch cast and production team, which includes some of the acclaimed actors such as Yili MA, winner of the Best Actress award at the 2018 Shanghai Magnolia Awards, one of the most prestigious television awards in China, Yiran ZHOU and Shi YU in the lead roles, with special appearances by Qiming JIANG and Peilun YAN. Other main cast members include Xiaojuan HUANG, Alimujiang TULUXUNBAIKE, Alima, and Hailati HAMU.

The production team includes executive producer Dapeng, director Congcong TENG, scriptwriter Yining PENG, chief producer Kang QI and Yueting CAI, producer Shuo ZHANG, cinematography director Yizeng LIU, art director Jianing LI, styling director Yige ZHAO, sound recording director Nan ZHANG, editing director Xinxia ZHOU, and composer Xiaoyang GAO, among others.

Reflecting on the universal themes of the series, director Teng remarked, "Art and love enable humanity to transcend language and national boundaries. "

Kang QI, one of the chief producers of the series and head of iQIYI's Canran Studio further emphasized the collaborative nature of the project, stating, "We are very fortunate to explore uncharted territories with our outstanding collaborators."

CANNESERIES, now in its 7th year and scheduled to take place from April 5 to 10, continues its commitment to showcasing international talents, celebrated screenwriters, and contributors from the multifaceted world of television series production. The selection of To the Wonder for the festival places it alongside notable past selections such as BBC America's Killing Eve, the German period drama series Bauhaus: A New Era, the French biographical mini-series Tapie, and the gripping South Korean thriller, Bargain.

The selection of To the Wonder for CANNESERIES marks another milestone in the global recognition of Chinese language dramas, following the earlier selection of another iQIYI original Chinese series, Why Try to Change Me Now, which was selected for the Berlinale Series selection of the 73rd Berlin International Film Festival. These achievements highlight iQIYI's dedication to creating high-quality content that resonates with global audiences and underscore its growing influence in the international entertainment industry.

Show Information:
To the Wonder
Genre: Drama
Format: 45 minutes x 8 episodes
Creators: Yu GONG, Xiaohui WANG
Executive Producer: Dapeng (One and Only, The Reunions)
Director and Screenwriter: Congcong TENG (Send Me to the Clouds)
Original Author: Juan LI
Screenwriters: Congcong TENG, Yining PENG
Chief Producer: Kang QI, Yueting CAI
Producer: Shuo ZHANG, Man WANG
Presented and Produced by: 
Co-produced by: 


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What is the name of the Chinese series selected for CANNESERIES?

The Chinese series selected for CANNESERIES is 'To the Wonder'.

When is the world premiere of 'To the Wonder' scheduled?

'To the Wonder' is set for its world premiere in Cannes on April 7.

Who are some of the main cast members of 'To the Wonder'?

Main cast members of 'To the Wonder' include Yili MA, Yiran ZHOU, Shi YU, Qiming JIANG, Peilun YAN, Xiaojuan HUANG, Alimujiang TULUXUNBAIKE, Alima, and Hailati HAMU.

What are some key production team members involved in 'To the Wonder'?

Key production team members of 'To the Wonder' include executive producer Dapeng, director Congcong TENG, scriptwriter Yining PENG, and others.

Which festival selected 'To the Wonder' for competition?

'To the Wonder' was selected for the CANNESERIES Long Form Competition.

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